Deep pockets 雄厚的账力;财力雄厚Only those with deep pockets could afford,the $25,000 cost of each device.只有那些家财万贯的人,才能买得起每台价值25,000美元的计算机。
Made of money 非常有钱
Her father is made of money.她父亲是富有的人。
In this fictional country, there is a billionaire。who lives on the fringes of society who, comenightfall, dresses as a bat.在这个虚幻国度中,有一位生活在社会边缘的亿万富翁,打扮得像只蝙蝠一样出现在傍晚。
Well-heeled/ well-fixed
●富有的;富裕的(heel 鞋跟 以前有钱人才能经常换鞋跟)
Since China opened to the outside world, some farmers have become ,entrepreneurs and manyare well-fixed, living a much more comfortable life.自从中国对外开放以后,有些农民也成了企业家,而且大部分农民的生活都富裕起来了。
●Fat cat
●大亨 [商业] [非正式]<美俚>有钱有势的人
来源:If you refer to a businessman or politician as a fat cat, you are indicating that you disapprove。 of the way they use their wealth and power.
●Flush with cash
Banks are flush with cash thanks, to the government infusion of your tax dollars.由于政府通过将纳税人的钱注入市场,银行有着充足的现金。