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大概14岁时,詹姆斯•卡梅隆就进行了他的首次水下任务。当然,下水的不是卡梅隆,而是他的老鼠。他把那只老鼠放在他自制的潜水艇里,然后看着它沉入加拿大尼亚加拉瀑布附近的奇帕瓦河河底。这条河总共只有四五英尺深。那只老鼠活了下来,因此卡梅隆的潜水任务越做越大、越做越勇。去年,58岁的卡梅隆成为首个独自下潜至太平洋马里亚纳海沟“挑战者深渊”底部的探险家。那里是世界海洋的最深处。此后,他做了一件可能更加不同寻常的事情。三月底,他把这个深潜器和相关技术都捐献给了伍兹霍尔海洋研究所(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)。这个私人研究所位于科德角(Cape Cod),卡梅隆将加入该研究所的董事会和新的机器人研究团队。
When James Cameron was about 14, he embarked on his first underwater mission. Well, not Cameron so much as his mouse. He put it in his homemade submersible and watched it sink to all of four or five feet into Chippawa Creek, in the Canadian suburbs of Niagara Falls. The mouse survived, so the missions got bigger and bolder. Last year, Cameron, 58, became the first-ever solo explorer to touch the bottom of the Pacific Ocean at the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench, the deepest surface on Earth. Since then, he has done something possibly more extraordinary: Earlier this week, he donated the submersible and all the related technology to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, a private research operation in Cape Cod, where he will also join its Board of Directors and a new robotics team.