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美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)的数据显示,2009年6月以来美国辞职人数稳步攀升,3月份(最近一个有公布数据的月份)为210万人。这些人辞职究竟去了哪里?和你想的一样,大多数人都在其他公司找到了更好的工作。但还有一些辞职理由就不那么传统了,或许我们可以这样说。劳务派遣公司OfficeTeam最近调查了全美诸多行业的1,300名高管。下面是他们给出的一些员工辞职理由:
The number of people quitting their jobs has been climbing steadily since June 2009, the Bureau of Labor Statistics says, to 2.1 million in March (the latest month available). And where are all those people going, exactly? As you might expect, most quit for greener pastures at other companies. But then there are a few whose reasons for jumping ship are more, shall we say, unconventional. Staffing firm OfficeTeam recently surveyed 1,300 senior managers nationwide in a variety of industries. Here are some of the things they said about why workers were flying the coop: