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这对一部分人来说可能是很明显的道理,但长期以来的研究都告诉我们幸福不仅是金钱的富足。早在上世纪70年代,经济学家理查德?伊斯特林就曾经指出,人们的幸福感并没有随着不断增加的人均收入而提高,这就是后来被人们所熟知的“伊斯特林悖论”(Easterlin Paradox)。这些年来,这个悖论逐渐演变成一种新的观念:金钱确实能买到幸福,只是一旦收入能满足购买衣服和食物之类的必须品时,它对幸福的影响便开始慢慢降低。
They say money can't buy happiness, but a new study suggests it actually can. In fact, the more money you have, the happier you are.
That might sound obvious to some people, but studies have historically shown there's more to happiness than money. In the 1970s, economist Richard Easterlin argued that increasing average income did not raise average well-being, a claim that became known as the Easterlin Paradox. Over the years, the paradox evolved into the notion that money does indeed buy happiness, but that effect fizzles once the income you earn is able to buy your basic needs -- food, shelter, and the like.
Somehow that idea carried into popular notion but was never really formally tested. |