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发表于 2013-9-29 19:02:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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琳达•辛格有两个非凡的职业。她是咨询业巨头埃森哲(Accenture)的执行董事,同时还是美国军方的一名准将。她的履历非常精彩:高中辍学,曾经离家出走,最终却领悟到了领导力的真谛。在阿富汗服役两年之后,今年六月,辛格从上校晋升为将军,成为马里兰州国民警卫队(Maryland Army National Guard )最高长官。49岁的辛格与我们分享了她的故事和有关领导力的经验教训。
Linda Singh has an extraordinary dual career. She is a managing director at consulting giant Accenture (ACN) and a Brigadier General in the U.S. Army. She also has a remarkable history: She's a high-school dropout and onetime runaway who found a path to leadership. Promoted from Colonel to General in June and newly in charge of the Maryland Army National Guard after two years of service in Afghanistan, Singh, 49, shares her story and lessons in leadership here.
One day last year during my service in Afghanistan, I accompanied a group of Department of Defense civilians to a refugee camp. I stood in the middle of a garbage-strewn lot, handing out clothes to children. It was a zoo—kids grabbing shirts and pants no matter the size. Clearly, the kids would never wear this clothing. They would sell or barter it for food or fuel or other things they needed more.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-29 19:05:34 | 显示全部楼层
These kids, wanting such simple things to survive, reminded me of my grandmother bringing home hand-me-downs from her employer. I wore those hand-me-downs. And like these kids in the refugee camp, I was once homeless too.
Living with my grandparents in Maryland for the first eight years of my life, I never realized we were poor. We had food and clothes, even if they were used or handmade, and my grandma and grandpa gave me plenty of love. I moved in with my parents on my ninth birthday, and that's when things turned turbulent. Abuse occurred at multiple points during my childhood. I was sexually molested by a couple of my relatives. After one of those incidents, when I was 15, I ran away from home. Actually, my mom and I had a really big fight and I was told to leave.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-29 19:08:48 | 显示全部楼层
我在汉堡王(Burger King)工作过,后来在一个卖椒盐卷饼的柜台打工。等我赚到足够的钱后,我从马里兰州弗雷德里克的一对老夫妇那里租了一个房间。每个月的租金是65美元,但我很快就无力承担。于是我搬了出去,有时会睡在朋友家的门廊,或者在Francis Scott Key购物中心卷饼摊后面的操作台过夜。我竟然一直坚持了下来。
I got jobs at Burger King and later at a pretzel stand and made enough money to rent a room from an elderly couple in Frederick, Maryland. The room cost $65 a month, and soon enough I couldn't afford that. So I moved out. I slept on the porches of friends' homes or in the back office of the pretzel stand in the Francis Scott Key mall. I made it work.
And I kept it together at school. I got good grades and played Varsity basketball—power forward, scoring a dozen or so points per game. But eventually, the stress of working, going to school and having no home did me in. My grades declined. I didn't have enough money to take the SAT test. So I dropped out of high school.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-29 19:12:58 | 显示全部楼层
Then one day, on my break from work at the pretzel stand, I spotted a U.S. Army National Guard recruiting booth in the mall. What possessed me to walk over and redirect my life, I'm not sure. But on June 3, 1981, at 17, I joined the Army. I had to persuade my parents to sign the papers because I wasn't yet 18. It was the best thing they ever did for me. It turned my life around.
So, as I stood on that filthy lot in Afghanistan and watched the kids scrounge for handouts, I realized that most of them don't have even the tenuous support I had when I was their age. Girls in Afghanistan can't escape bad home lives by joining the military. At that moment, I decided I needed to speak the truth about my life and what it takes to be a leader. If I can be transparent, maybe I can help people overcome their difficulties. The children and parents I saw that day will likely never tell their story publicly, but I can tell mine. If that helps one person go from hopelessness to success, then telling my story will explain why I ended up at that dusty lot..
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-29 19:15:35 | 显示全部楼层
Last Veteran's Day, I stood on an Accenture stage and told my story, from running away as a teen to quitting school, to working and supporting myself, to joining the military and getting my education there. I also told the truth about leadership: The back story of many successful leaders is heartbreak, sleepless nights, and overcoming adversity.
In Afghanistan and now back in the U.S., I've given a lot of thought about what I learned and paths to success. Here are three of my leadership lessons:
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-29 19:17:05 | 显示全部楼层
Value Diversity. In Afghanistan we worked with people from 60 countries and learned the value of diverse individuals collaborating. We were all there to roll out solutions for the Afghan people, but we had to understand each other's perspectives first and then put aside cultural differences. I've read that diversity makes for better teams, better boards, better companies. In Afghanistan, I saw this every minute of every day.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-29 19:19:43 | 显示全部楼层
Always be authentic. This group of people from incredibly different backgrounds, time zones and cultures made quite a bit of progress together, and I wondered what enabled us. It was not the timelines or the work plans; even groups that fail have those. As an American, I was aware that we can be seen as unfriendly and not understanding of other cultures, so I was very conscious to never get caught up in the dreariness of the place or the pressure of the job. I set out to be present and genuine, kind and cordial everyday. People told me they appreciated that, and I realized the power of presence and the importance of authenticity. Success is not just what you get done, the deals you close, the P&L you manage. It is your authenticity.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-29 19:22:59 | 显示全部楼层

Mentor others. I used to mentor mid- to senior-level people, but now I focus on young people in Accenture's junior ranks because that's where transformation happens. Right now I'm mentoring about 30 African-American and Hispanic analysts. Some of them get down on themselves for not being more successful in the first year or two after college. I tell them that leadership is not necessarily what you read in a management book. Leadership is the ability to change. As I see them adapting the ways they approach problems and working to find solutions in new and better ways, I'm encouraged.

    Most of the people I speak to haven't seen what I've seen, and I'm glad. But I'm also glad I can bring them leadership lessons from a different life where nothing is taken for granted and value really does come from adversity.
发表于 2013-9-30 08:05:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-9-30 10:58:07 | 显示全部楼层
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