楼主 |
发表于 2016-11-14 14:42:03
微软Azure与亚马逊的Amazon Web Services和谷歌的云平台类似,是一个公共云,它汇集了庞大的服务器集群,网络和存储设备,可供客户租赁,免去了客户自行组建的烦恼。采用云服务的银行的数量在不断增长,古瑟里提到了兴业银行这家法国大银行,它是第一个采用云服务的全球系统重要性金融机构,并选择了Amazon Web Services作为云合作伙伴。
Microsoft Azure, like Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform, is a public cloud— a huge aggregation of servers, networking, and storage that customers can rent instead of building on their own. In a sign of its growing adoption by banks, Guthrie pointed to Société Générale, a large French bank, was the first Global Systematically Important Financial Institution (GSIFI) to go to the cloud. Société Générale also named Amazon Web Services a cloud partner. |