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发表于 2016-11-14 14:41:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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微软负责云业务的执行副总裁斯科特·古瑟里(Scott Guthrie)指出,即便对于那些有着最高风险规避要求的公司来说,使用云服务的障碍也在逐渐消失。有一些公司此前在很大程度上都会拒云服务于千里之外,因为他们认为其硬件脱离了自己的掌控。古瑟里在构架大会上对与会人员说,他发现,在全球最大的银行中,75%如今都在使用微软的Azure,而财富500强企业使用的比例达到了90%。

There may still be a lot of “server huggers”— IT people who don’t want to trust any of their computing jobs to an outside cloud provider—but they’re getting harder to find, speakers at a technology conference in San Francisco agreed this week.
Scott Guthrie, Microsoft’s executive vice president in charge of cloud, said the barriers to cloud are falling even for the most risk-averse regulated companies. These are the companies that previously shied away from the cloud in large part because they feel they don’t have control of their hardware. Seventy-five percent of the largest banks now use Microsoft Azure, he noted, compared with 90% of the Fortune 500 overall, Guthrie told attendees at the Structure conference.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-14 14:42:03 | 显示全部楼层
微软Azure与亚马逊的Amazon Web Services和谷歌的云平台类似,是一个公共云,它汇集了庞大的服务器集群,网络和存储设备,可供客户租赁,免去了客户自行组建的烦恼。采用云服务的银行的数量在不断增长,古瑟里提到了兴业银行这家法国大银行,它是第一个采用云服务的全球系统重要性金融机构,并选择了Amazon Web Services作为云合作伙伴。

Microsoft Azure, like Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform, is a public cloud— a huge aggregation of servers, networking, and storage that customers can rent instead of building on their own. In a sign of its growing adoption by banks, Guthrie pointed to Société Générale, a large French bank, was the first Global Systematically Important Financial Institution (GSIFI) to go to the cloud. Société Générale also named Amazon Web Services a cloud partner.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-14 14:42:39 | 显示全部楼层

Large banks, which are heavily regulated, seem to realize now that they can meet most government data security and privacy guidelines in public cloud just as they can if they use internal data centers. And, to be fair, many of the big banks have been kicking the tires on public cloud for far longer than they are willing to admit out loud.
“Before last year, none of the big banks wanted to be first to sign on. Now none of them want to be the last,” Guthrie said.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-14 14:43:07 | 显示全部楼层

Of course, Guthrie has a vested interest in painting this picture of widespread adoption, but even people who don’t work for the major cloud providers see that cloud adoption is growing fast. In the past year, cloud adoption in by federal agencies has soared, according to those agencies and the integrators who work with the agencies. The same appears to be true in corporate America.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-14 14:43:34 | 显示全部楼层
风投资本公司Amplify Partners创始人兼普通合伙人Sunil Dhaliwal表示,“去年,云服务在企业中的受欢迎程度让我大吃一惊。风险规避机构的首席信息官如今更担心的是不采用云服务的风险,而不是采用云服务的风险。人们不再像以前那样谈云色变。”

“Enterprise cloud adoption has blown me away in the last year,” said Sunil Dhaliwal, founder and general partner with venture capital firm Amplify Partners. “CIOs in risk averse organizations are now more worried about the risk of not going to cloud than in the risk of going. Nobody feels anymore like they’ll get shot for going to the cloud.”
 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-14 14:44:02 | 显示全部楼层

On the other hand, he cautioned against believing that this migration to cloud is necessarily a one-way trip. Startups have traditionally adopted public cloud earliest and fastest, he said. But as those small companies grow and start seeing their cloud bills grow, they face a choice, and that choice is not necessarily between Amazon, Microsoft or Google cloud, but between cloud and bringing those workloads back in-house.
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