楼主 |
发表于 2013-5-2 18:26:26
对于大多数组织机构来说,答案都是否定的。长江后浪推前浪,变革大潮中的弄潮儿往往是后起之秀,而不是老牌巨头——是谷歌(Google),而不是微软(Microsoft);是现代汽车(Hyundai),而不是克莱斯勒(Chrysler);是苹果(Apple),而不是诺基亚(Nokia);是亚洲航空(Air Asia),而不是日本航空(JAL),诸如此类,不胜枚举。 For most organizations, the answer is no. In industry after industry, it's the insurgents, not the incumbents, who've been riding the waves of change -- it's Google (GOOG), not Microsoft (MSFT); Hyundai, not Chrysler; Apple (AAPL), not Nokia (NOK); Air Asia, not JAL; and so on.
然而,面对不断变化的世界,暂时胜出的行业先锋与他们曾经击败的对手一样脆弱。战略实施周期日益缩短,成功变得前所未有的短暂——麦肯锡(McKinsey)2005年的一份研究报告表明:龙头企业(在某个行业营收排名前20%的企业)在五年内被取而代之的可能性为30%。这个概率是几十年前的三倍多。 The vanguard, though, are just as vulnerable to change as their victims. Strategy life cycles have been shrinking, and success has never been more fleeting -- a 2005 McKinsey study indicated that market leaders (defined as being in the top quintile by revenue in a given industry) stand a 30% chance to be "toppled" within 5 years. This probability is over three times what it used to be a few decades ago. |