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发表于 2013-5-2 18:23:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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我们生活在一个纷繁多变的世界里,越来越难以根据过去预测未来。变革是多方面的、无情的、颠覆性的,有时甚至是令人震惊的。  We live in a world that seems to be all punctuation and no equilibrium, where the future is less and less an extrapolation of the past. Change is multifaceted, relentless, seditious, and occasionally shocking.
在变革这个大漩涡中,长期存在的政权、古老的机构和历经百年的商业模式都将面临风险。如今,对于所有的组织来说,最重要的问题就是:我们能否跟上时代变迁的脚步?In this maelstrom, long-lived political dynasties, venerable institutions, and hundred-year-old business models are all at risk. Today, the most important question for any organization is this: are we changing as fast as the world around us?
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-2 18:26:26 | 显示全部楼层
对于大多数组织机构来说,答案都是否定的。长江后浪推前浪,变革大潮中的弄潮儿往往是后起之秀,而不是老牌巨头——是谷歌(Google),而不是微软(Microsoft);是现代汽车(Hyundai),而不是克莱斯勒(Chrysler);是苹果(Apple),而不是诺基亚(Nokia);是亚洲航空(Air Asia),而不是日本航空(JAL),诸如此类,不胜枚举。 For most organizations, the answer is no. In industry after industry, it's the insurgents, not the incumbents, who've been riding the waves of change -- it's Google (GOOG), not Microsoft (MSFT); Hyundai, not Chrysler; Apple (AAPL), not Nokia (NOK); Air Asia, not JAL; and so on.
然而,面对不断变化的世界,暂时胜出的行业先锋与他们曾经击败的对手一样脆弱。战略实施周期日益缩短,成功变得前所未有的短暂——麦肯锡(McKinsey)2005年的一份研究报告表明:龙头企业(在某个行业营收排名前20%的企业)在五年内被取而代之的可能性为30%。这个概率是几十年前的三倍多。 The vanguard, though, are just as vulnerable to change as their victims. Strategy life cycles have been shrinking, and success has never been more fleeting -- a 2005 McKinsey study indicated that market leaders (defined as being in the top quintile by revenue in a given industry) stand a 30% chance to be "toppled" within 5 years. This probability is over three times what it used to be a few decades ago.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-2 18:31:18 | 显示全部楼层
我们唯一能确定的预测就是:将来,也许很快,任何一家企业都不得不以前所未有的方式进行革新。 The only thing that can be safely predicted is that sometime soon your organization will be challenged to change in ways for which it has no precedent.
问题是,企业成立的初衷并不是为了去适应变化。一百年前的管理先驱们想到的只是创立纪律严明、而不是富有弹性的公司。他们明白,程序化是效率的源泉。而适应性则需要偶尔放弃这些程序的意愿——大多数企业很少有这样的激励机制。  Problem is, our organizations were never built to be adaptable. Those early management pioneers, a hundred years ago, set out to build companies that were disciplined, not resilient. They understood that efficiency comes from routinizing the nonroutine. Adaptability, on the other hand, requires a willingness to occasionally abandon those routines -- and in most organizations there are precious few incentives to do that.
这也就是为什么变革往往只会以两种形式出现:微不足道的变革和元气大伤的变革。回顾普通公司的历史,我们会发现它们长期进行着微不足道的增量变革,偶尔因出现危机而被动进行大举变革。为什么有的公司一定要在迷失方向、市值蒸发数十亿美元后才开始认真思考变革呢? That's why change tends to come in only two varieties: the trivial and the traumatic. Review the history of the average corporation and you'll discover long periods of incremental fiddling punctuated by occasional bouts of frantic, crisis-driven change. Why should an organization have to lose its way and surrender billions of dollars in market value before getting serious about change?
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-2 18:34:45 | 显示全部楼层
相对于及时转型,业务扭亏只能算得上是退而求其次的选择。这也是我们需要改变革新模式的原因。我们的目标应该是不伤元气的变革——是自动、自发、以及本能的变革。在这个瞬息万变的世界里,重要的不仅仅是公司在某个时间点上的竞争优势,更重要的是它的优势能随着时间推移而进化。  A turnaround is a poor substitute for timely transformation. That's why we need to change the way we change. The goal should be change without trauma -- automatic, spontaneous, and reflexive. In a world of mind-flipping change, what matters is not merely a company's competitive advantage at a point in time, but its evolutionary advantage over time.
我们认为人力资源(HR)部门可以帮助企业从根本上适应瞬息万变的世界。HR已经是许多变革行动的参与者。但是如果HR在消除适应障碍、构建推动变革的能力方面起引领作用,那么它的积极影响将会是现在的数倍。如果让HR掌控变革管理、组织结构设计、人才引进和部署、学习和发展、绩效考核等方面,它的作用将更加突出。 We believe HR can play a positive role in helping companies to become adaptable at their core. HR is already a partner to business in many change efforts, but HR's impact would be many times greater if it played a lead role in eliminating the barriers to adaptation and in building new capabilities that facilitate change. This is particularly true for aspects of the management model that HR controls, such as change management, organizational design, talent acquisition and deployment, learning and development, and performance review.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-2 18:37:09 | 显示全部楼层
为此,我们推出了名为“建立适应性优势”的管理类“黑客马拉松”。在接下来的几个月里,我们将和其他数以百计的优秀人力资源管理者以及商界领袖共同确定、拓展并最终实施新的管理理念,以促使“主动变革”在企业成为现实。 To this end, we've launched the "Building an Adaptability Advantage" management hackathon. Over the next few months, we'll be working with hundreds of other progressive HR and business leaders to identify, develop, and eventually implement new ideas for making proactive change a reality in our organizations.
现在,就看你的了,通过参与这个“黑客马拉松”,我们可以一道重塑新时代的管理模式。而最终的奖赏是什么呢?你的企业将可以紧跟时代,引领变革。(财富中文网)   Now it's up to you. By participating in this hackathon, you can help to reinvent management for a new age. The ultimate prize? Organizations that can change as fast as change itself.
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