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发表于 2013-5-26 18:36:07
Some eye experts say omega-3s, found commonly in fish and nuts, appear to play a protective role in eye health with both the retina and cornea. This includes help with the dry eyes that many people, especially women, experience in their 50s. Anne Sumers, a spokeswoman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology and a practicing ophthalmologist in Ridgewood, N.J., said consuming flax seed, either as a pill or sprinkled on food, can help treat dry eyes.
一些眼科专家说,常见于鱼类和坚果中的Ω-3脂肪酸看来能对包括视网膜和角膜在内的眼部健康起到保护作用,包括对干眼病也有帮助。许多人在进入50岁后就易患上干眼病,尤其是女性。美国眼科学会(American Academy of Ophthalmology)发言人、新泽西州瑞吉伍德市(Ridgewood)执业眼科医师安妮•苏美尔(Anne Sumers)说,进食亚麻籽,不论是吃药片还是把亚麻籽撒在食物上吃,都有助于治疗干眼病 |