楼主 |
发表于 2013-5-26 18:33:13
While we can't win against Mother Nature, some strategies can minimize the damage. Avoid self-prescribing with, say, off-the-shelf reading glasses sold at drugstores, says Gary Etting, an optometrist who specializes in vision therapy in Los Angeles. People often select glasses that appear to make things clearest, he said. But this may be a stronger prescription than they need, which can encourage their loss of focus to go faster.
虽然我们不能战胜自然规律,但有些措施能减少我们受到的损害。洛杉矶专攻视觉治疗的验光师加里•埃廷(Gary Etting)说,不要进行自我诊断,说什么药店里就有现成的老花镜出售。他说人们常常挑选那些貌似让视线变得最清晰的眼镜。但这种选择对他们的实际需求而言可能是一种过强的处方,会加速他们聚焦能力的丧失。