
楼主 |
发表于 2013-12-15 01:14:46
The industry’s export success echoes that of Mexican soap operas, or telenovelas – and SBS is targeting their Latin American heartland through a distribution deal.
But for now, the real money is to be made in Asia, be it from the established markets of Japan and Taiwan or the fast-growing demand in countries such as Vietnam and Cambodia. “US shows have specific genres – cop shows or medical shows – but we have universal stories,” says Park Man-young, a KBS producer.
但目前而言,韩剧还是要靠亚洲来赚取大部分利润——无论是成熟的日本或台湾市场,还是需求快速增长的越南和柬埔寨等国家。KBS制片人Park Man-young说:“美剧有些固定的类型——警察剧或医疗剧——但韩剧的情节很齐全。”