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发表于 2014-1-5 16:18:26
《初为领导者》(First-Time Leader)一书的作者乔治•布拉特认为:“像对待同事一样对待老板是一种失礼的行为。而像对待下属一样对待同事同样如此。”例如,如果你领导的团队中,有人并不是你的直接下属,他们与你级别相同;你不能指望对他们指手画脚。相反,你要通过设定共同的目标,赢得他们的配合。
"Treating your boss like a peer is a faux pas. Treating a peer like a subordinate is a faux pas," says George Bradt, author of the forthcoming book First-Time Leader. For instance, if you're leading a team that includes people who aren't your direct reports, they are your peers; you can't expect to order them around. Rather, you need to win their cooperation by setting mutual goals.
"When somebody tells you [the names of people on] your team, ask about who they report to, and ask about the shadow reporting," Bradt advises. For instance, one new company president was technically in charge of marketing and business development, but it turned out that the head of business development was a company founder and best friends with the chief executive, another founder.
"You've got a guy working for you who started the company? He's your boss!" Bradt says.
Don't waste people's time, even in small ways. If you ask for a networking meeting, arrive having researched the person and his organization. Have an agenda, even if it's just in your mind, to give the conversation structure.