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Budget cutback 预算削减

发表于 2014-6-1 10:32:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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TIM: This place is beginning to look like a dump.

ZARA: Yeah, we are in serious need of a remodel.

TIM: 这个地方看起来快变成一个垃圾场了。

ZARA: 是啊,急需改造下。

MIKI: This office is too hot in the winter and too cold in the summer.

JACK: This has to be one of the worst engineered offices around. I can’t imagine the utility bill every month.

MIKI: 这个办公室冬天太热夏天又太冷了。

JACK: 这大概是附近办公室中设计施工最差的吧!我简直无法想象每个月的物业费账单。

TOM: I’m so done working here. This is the third time this month I haven’t been paid on time.

OLIVER: I hear you. This is ridiculous.

TOM: 我真是厌倦了在这里工作。这已经是公司这个月第三次没有及时支付薪资给我了。

OLIVER: 我明白你的感受。这太荒谬了!

PAM: I can’t wait until we get a new printer. This one always has a problem with it.

NED: Don’t hold your breath. We’re actually expecting more budget cutbacks.

PAM: 我简直等不及公司给我们换台新打印机了。这一台一直都有问题。

NED: 你别期望太高了。我们迎来的甚至会是预算削减呢。

RECEPTIONIST: You will have to start using the backs of your paper as we forgot to order new paper. The new order won’t be here till later this week.

PETER: How can we be taken as a serious company when we can’t even order paper on time?


PETER: 连打印纸都不能按时订购,我们还算是个正规的公司吗?

MARY: Do you think we can get some new carpet in here? I mean it looks like we’ve been here since the ‘70s.

VICTOR: Unless we increase sales, it’s not going to happen.

MARY: 我们能弄卷新的地毯来铺上吗?现在这地毯看起来简直像70年代的一样陈旧。

VICTOR: 除非销售额能增加,否则就别想了。

Question: What’s something you can say when you are tired of working somewhere?


答案:I’m so done working here.

Key Words: 核心表达

In need of: 词组,需要……(后加名词)

I hear you: 口语常用表达,我明白你的感受

On time: 词组,按时;准时

Don’t hold your breath: 别期望太高

Budget cutback: 名词,预算削减

Take as: 词组,当作;看作
发表于 2014-8-1 16:19:09 | 显示全部楼层
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