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Peter Drucker, founder of modern management, reportedly coined the phrase “culture eats strategy for lunch.” Culture use to be viewed as the “touchy-feely” side of business, but that’s no longer the case. If you don’t have a defined culture behind you, then you aren’t going to be effective at executing your strategy. When a culture is broken, the cracks show – morale is weakened, but so is profit and performance. That’s why culture has to be at the core of any business transformation.
现代管理学之父彼得•德鲁克曾说过这样一句名言:“文化能把战略当午餐吃掉”(Culture eats strategy for lunch)。人们以往总觉得文化对于企业来说是婆婆妈妈的东西,但现在却不一样了。如果你身后没有一套明确的文化,你就无法有效执行你的战略。企业文化出了问题,公司就会出现裂痕——不光是士气下降,利润和绩效也会随之下降。这就是为什么文化必须成为任何企业转型的核心部分。 |