
楼主 |
发表于 2016-4-23 10:16:30
帕特里克•科里森出生于爱尔兰。八岁时,他在利默里克大学(University of Limerick)上了第一堂计算机课。科里森曾进入位于爱尔兰尼纳镇的Gaelscoil Aonach Urmhumhan学习,后在位于利默里克郡的凯瑟特伊学院(Castletroy College)继续深造。2010年,帕特里克参与创建了Stripe,并获得了彼得•泰尔于埃隆•穆斯克的投资。
Patrick Collison, co-founder of Stripe
Patrick Collison was born in Ireland. He took his first computer course when he was eight-years-old at the University of Limerick. Collison studied in Gaelscoil Aonach Urmhumhan, Nenagh, before attending Castletroy College in Castletroy, County Limerick. In 2010, Patrick cofounded Stripe, which received backing from Peter Thiel and Elon Musk. |