
楼主 |
发表于 2016-9-15 23:57:40
Q. OK, so let’s say all the pieces are in place, and you make that career change you’ve been planning for…and you wind up falling on your face. What is the next step?
A. Any next move is going to be informative about what works, what doesn’t work and what next experiments you want to try. As long as someone can keep that learning mindset and say, “What can I learn from this?”, you can then apply the pivot method to a “failure.” So of the failure, you can say, “Well, what did work within this? What didn’t? What would I want to do more of? How can I adjust this?”
A lot of times when I’ve seen pivots not work, it’s because the person tried to turn too sharply from their current base of strengths, interests, experience and even what they wanted. Usually a pivot that doesn’t seem to work means going back to some of those core elements.
Make a habit out of the process, in general. Every quarter, or every six months, I look at what’s working best, what I want to do next, what skills I want to develop, who I want to connect with and what small experiments I can run in my business. That’s something people can also apply within projects, so if you get stuck on a project or a creative pursuit, it’s a method to get unstuck and keep things moving. |