
楼主 |
发表于 2016-10-29 14:32:06
Stories of Anton Chekhov
Stalin has been quoting passages from Chekhov many times. Almost every story has a redemptive note of hope mixed in with levels of bleak despair.
"The Prince" by Niccolo Machiavelli
This is said to be one of the most favorite books of Stalin, from which he took advice on governing the state. Machiavelli's posthumous work can be bundled on a reading list with the Art of War for true insight on how to build power and decimate enemies. Though the advice was meant for the Medici ruling family in Italy, the principles can still hold true, or at least shed a light on how to weave through the murky waters of politics.
据说这是斯大林最爱的书之一,他从中汲取治国之道。马基雅维利的遗作可以与《孙子兵法》比肩,深明洞悉如何建立权势、又如何斩杀敌人。尽管书中的建议指向意大利美第奇家族,但其原则仍然真实有效,至少对如何混迹政界、如何在一潭浑水里也游刃有余还是有借鉴之处的。 |