
楼主 |
发表于 2016-11-21 15:55:08
6. The older we get, the faster time goes: the only way to slow it down is to be grateful for each moment.
6. 年龄越大,时间走得越快。放慢时间的唯一方法就是感激每一刻。
7. Be patient with the world around you, give others the benefit of the doubt, for you are the one who suffers most when you're irritated.
7. 耐心对待身边的人和事,要先假定他人没有错,因为你要是生气,最难受的还是你自己。
8. Comparing yourself to others is the fastest way to put limitations on your potential. Stick with competing with the person you were yesterday.
8. 在你拿自己和他人比较的时候,你就限制了自己的潜力。坚持和昨天的自己竞争吧。
9. It is inevitable that bad things will happen, to you or to someone equally undeserving of pain. These moments are meant to measure our reactions to the event, and that's where you'll see how strength is truly defined.
9. 不管是在你身上还是别人身上,不管应不应该,不愉快的事情总会发生。这样的事情是用来衡量我们的应对能力的,从中你会发现什么是真正的强大。
10. Support your friends dreams and encourage them whenever you can. An added benefit is that you'll be happy to be surrounded by people who love their lives.
10. 尽你所能支持朋友的梦想,鼓励他们。这样有一个好处,就是你身边会充满热爱自己生活的人。
11. If you want things to change, start by changing yourself.
11. 如果你想要让事情有所改变,先改变自己。 |