From the above discussion, the goal is clear. You should have an inventory that is large enough for your system to function properly, but not too large with the costs outweighing the benefits. The problem is finding this sweet spot. Manufacturing is usually a complex system with many different influences. It is all but impossible to determine this sweet spot theoretically. Rather, you have to find it by lowering your inventory and observing how your system reacts. On a side note, the typical status in many Western companies is, in my point of view, too little inventory rather than too much if the abilities of the system are taken into account.
以上的讨论,目标很清晰。我们应该有一个能让系统能够正常运行的足够大的库存,但是不要太大,因为那样,成本会大于收益。问题是要能找到最佳的度。伴随着诸多不同的印象因素,制造业通常是一个复杂的系统。理论上几乎不可能确定这个最佳的度。相反,我们得通过降低库存和观察系统的响应来找到这个最佳的度。另一方面,依我之见,许多西方公司的典型情况是,如果考虑到系统的能力,库存会太少而不是太多。 |