
楼主 |
发表于 2019-5-7 15:41:52
索尼娅·柏金斯受邀去太阳谷参加银行界某次社交活动时,她才二十来岁,刚被任命为门罗风投(Menlo Ventures)的新合伙人,这场活动是由蒙哥马利证券公司(Montgomery Securities)及托马斯·维塞尔合伙公司(Thomas Weisel Partners)的创始人托马斯·维塞尔举办的。除了以妻子或女友等身份出席活动的女眷外,索尼娅是少数几个受到邀请的女性之一。那天,她正在小屋里吃午餐时,维塞尔走到她身边宣布:“索尼娅,我把你加进去了——你要参加比赛。”当天下午要举行一场高山滑雪比赛。
3. Don’t sit on the sidelines.
Networking is key in Silicon Valley, where even today, 92% of all venture capital investing partners are men. Women need to find a way to bond and connect. Being liked is a currency.
Sonja Perkins was a newly named twentysomething partner at Menlo Ventures when she was invited to a banking boondoggle in Sun Valley, held by Thom Weisel, the founder of Montgomery Securities and Thomas Weisel Partners. Sonja was one of only a few women other than wives or girlfriends to be invited. She was in the lodge enjoying lunch when Weisel approached and announced, “Sonja, I signed you up—you’re in the race.” The downhill skiing race was being held that afternoon.
Sonja, who had skied maybe a dozen times in her life, was soon on the steep and icy slopes, feeling like the Grinch’s dog Max looking over the snowy precipice, certain this would not end well. She was competing against former Olympic skiers and Navy seals, guys Weisel liked to recruit to turn into bankers. When it was Sonja’s turn, she took off down the hill, focusing on slow and steady. When she made it to the bottom, Weisel gave her a thumbs-up. That night, Sonja got the most coveted seat in the dining room, a place where all the sharp-elbowed bankers wanted to be—right next to Weisel. As Sonja says, “You can’t win if you don’t play the game.” |