本帖最后由 gaowenhua 于 2022-8-22 18:23 编辑
二、未来的项目管理The future of project management
(1) Globalization and virtual teams: Globalization requires employees to efficiently divide and collaborate thousands of miles away. (2) Open innovation culture: The innovation culture is gradually opened and shared(3) The workforce tends to be diversified: job matching is becoming more efficient and precise (4) The gig economy: the emergence of freelance and freelance work (5) Transformed company culture: The company culture has become more flexible (6) Automation and human-machine collaboration: the introduction of AI artificial intelligence(7) Digital construction and project complexity 结合各行业的报告和发展,我们可以发现自己选择的方向,基于以上的分析,“选择大于努力”才能成立。