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发表于 2022-10-3 00:20:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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It is not uncommon to say that data is a new type of oil. Others call data a new type of gold. In my opinion, philosophers and economists may question these claims. But in today's era, there is no doubt that data management, data governance and analysis are crucial for any organization that wants to achieve data driven decision-makingData governance must cover the entire life cycle of data, from data collection to data management. In this life cycle, the key methods of data management generally include the following:

 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-3 00:23:01 | 显示全部楼层


· 任何集中都需要有充分的理由。
· 任何放权都必须以信任和支持为前提。


技术驱动型的人往往倾向于从解决方案出发。常见想法是“这项新颖的技术一定有应用!”要想避免陷入未使用过的高科技带来的陷阱,就不要从解决方案入手,而要从问题或机会开始研究。经验表明,这种思维模式的转变很难,特别是对于经验丰富的IT 领导,他们习惯于主动提供最先进的解决方案。



· 不断发问:是否存在问题(某些事情没有按其应有的方式进行)?有机会么(虽然有效,但还可以改进)?能不能创新(新的商业模式)?确定并量化实际的痛点和可能的收益。
· 寻求对话:与各个独立的业务职能部门探讨可能的收益,并一起验证。
· 培养产品思维:从项目经理到产品所有者的视角转变有利于数据管理工作的开展。眼光可以更长远,不应局限于单个项目的结束。
The First Law of Data Management
The organization must make a proper balance between centralized management and decentralized management of data related responsibilities and activities.
·Any concentration needs a good reason.
·Any decentralization must be based on trust and support.
Business orientation
Technology driven people tend to start with solutions. The common idea is "This novel technology must have applications!" If you want to avoid falling into the trap of unused high-tech, you should not start from solutions, but from problems or opportunities. Experience shows that it is difficult to change this mode of thinking, especially for experienced IT leaders, who are used to actively providing the most advanced solutions.
The gap between the business perspective and the technical perspective mainly lies in the process and data fields. Both sides often think they are open, but they unconsciously fall into the old way of thinking. Many people said that they thought and did so in the interests of the organization.
To address this challenge, consider the following three suggestions.
·Keep asking: Is there a problem (something is not done as it should be)? Is there a chance (although effective, it can be improved)? Can we innovate (new business model)? Identify and quantify actual pain points and possible benefits
·Seek dialogue: discuss possible benefits with independent business functions and verify them together
·Cultivate product thinking: the change from the perspective of project manager to product owner is conducive to the development of data management. The vision can be more long-term and should not be limited to the end of a single project.

 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-3 00:24:28 | 显示全部楼层

数据管理是整个组织中每个人的工作。它尤其不是一项 IT 工作,也不是从技术开始的。数据管理是在相互理解的坚实基础上构建业务与 IT 之间的桥梁。


除非在公共部门或非营利组织,否则数据处理工作需要增加可测量的利益相关者价值。在数据方面有投入的组织都希望看到回报。我称之为“数据回报率”(Return on Data,ROD)。这种表述来源于财务术语“投资回报率”(ROI),它对于任何需要花钱的活动都至关重要:只有能得到收益才会去做。



The Second Law of Data Management
Data management is the work of everyone in the entire organization. It is not an IT job in particular, nor does it start with technology. Data management is a bridge between business and IT based on mutual understanding.
Business orientation
Unless in the public sector or non-profit organizations, data processing needs to add measurable stakeholder value. Organizations that have invested in data want to see returns. I call it Return on Data (ROD). This expression comes from the financial term "return on investment" (ROI), which is crucial to any activity that requires spending money: only when you can get benefits can you do it.
Talking about "data rate of return" is not the ultimate goal of data processing. To judge the effect of data activities, we must look at its impact on the overall situation of the organization. This includes indirect and long-term impacts, as well as avoidance of potential problems (which means risk management).
Building a convincing business model is not to make data investment look attractive enough. To ensure capital security, it is necessary to start from the beginning with a business orientation. Early detection of the negative impact of the business model is not a failure

 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-3 00:25:59 | 显示全部楼层






The Third Law of Data Management

It is not enough to make decisions based on certain facts, but it is necessary to consider all relevant facts within the organization as a whole.

As part of the decision-making process, "problem escalation" only means that the decision is promoted to a higher level. Ideally, the perspective will change from a departmental perspective to a cross functional perspective that can mitigate deviations, and ultimately to the perspective of all "shareholders" that can avoid deviations.

Such a process can help make decisions without being affected by personal views and motivations, and can encourage people at lower levels of the organization to look at issues cross functionally and make cross functional best suggestions.

information sharing

Many organizations share official information and ideas. This should not be one-way. Everyone should be able to share their ideas with others, preferably in a systematic way. In fact, you may have multiple technology platforms, but you need to state which is the only platform for communication. The members of the data office should be the first to actively use the platform

发表于 2022-10-29 08:16:54 | 显示全部楼层
管理是为了应用, 发挥数据的作用,提高应用效率最重要
 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-29 21:36:14 | 显示全部楼层
TEA一一TEA 发表于 2022-10-29 08:16
管理是为了应用, 发挥数据的作用,提高应用效率最重要

是的 我们管理的最终目标就是降本增效

 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-29 21:48:16 | 显示全部楼层
大家说的都很棒 良好的数据管理使得我们的管理更加简单有效
What everyone said is great. Good data management makes our management more simple and effective
发表于 2022-11-9 09:57:23 | 显示全部楼层
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