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原料检验管理 Raw material inspection management

发表于 2024-12-19 13:03:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 gaowenhua 于 2024-12-19 13:16 编辑

  • 原料的质量直接影响最终产品的性能、安全性和可靠性。

Ensure product quality
The quality of raw materials directly affects the performance, safety, and reliability of the final product.
 楼主| 发表于 2024-12-19 13:08:13 | 显示全部楼层
Ensure product quality
The quality of raw materials directly affects the performance, safety, and reliability of the final product.

 楼主| 发表于 2024-12-19 13:09:11 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 gaowenhua 于 2024-12-19 13:16 编辑

  • 降低生产成本
    • 及时发现不合格原料可以避免在生产过程中因使用这些原料而造成的浪费,包括人力、物力和时间的浪费。例如,如果在生产线上才发现大量原料不合格,可能需要停产更换原料,导致生产进度延误,增加生产成本。

    • lower production costTimely detection of unqualified raw materials can avoid waste caused by the use of these materials in the production process, including the waste of manpower, material resources, and time. For example, if a large amount of raw materials are found to be unqualified on the production line, it may be necessary to stop production and replace them, resulting in delayed production progress and increased production costs.

 楼主| 发表于 2024-12-19 13:09:51 | 显示全部楼层
  • 许多行业都有严格的法规和质量标准要求,企业必须确保原料符合相关规定。例如,药品生产企业要遵循药品管理法规,使用符合标准的原料,否则将面临严厉的法律制裁和产品召回等问题,这对企业的生存和发展会产生巨大冲击
Compliant with regulatory standards
Many industries have strict regulations and quality standards, and companies must ensure that raw materials comply with relevant regulations. For example, pharmaceutical manufacturers must comply with drug management regulations and use raw materials that meet standards, otherwise they will face severe legal sanctions and product recalls, which will have a huge impact on the survival and development of the enterprise

 楼主| 发表于 2024-12-19 13:11:03 | 显示全部楼层
  • 企业应根据自身产品要求、行业标准和法规要求,制定详细的原料检验标准。这些标准应包括原料的物理特性(如尺寸、外观、颜色等)、化学特性(如成分含量、纯度、酸碱度等)、微生物指标(如细菌总数、霉菌和酵母菌数等,适用于食品、化妆品等行业)以及性能指标(如强度、导电性等,适用于材料行业)等方面的具体要求和合格判定范围。
Develop inspection standards
Enterprises should develop detailed raw material inspection standards based on their own product requirements, industry standards, and regulatory requirements. These standards should include specific requirements and qualification criteria for the physical properties (such as size, appearance, color, etc.), chemical properties (such as ingredient content, purity, acidity, etc.), microbiological indicators (such as total bacterial count, mold and yeast count, applicable to industries such as food and cosmetics), and performance indicators (such as strength, conductivity, applicable to the materials industry) of the raw materials.

 楼主| 发表于 2024-12-19 13:11:37 | 显示全部楼层
  • 在采购原料前,对供应商进行全面评估。评估内容包括供应商的生产能力、质量管理体系、信誉、供货历史等。例如,实地考察供应商的生产工厂,查看其生产设备是否先进、生产环境是否符合卫生标准(对于食品、药品原料供应商);审查供应商的质量认证证书,如 ISO 9001 质量管理体系认证等;了解供应商以往的供货记录,是否有频繁出现质量问题或交货延迟的情况。选择优质的供应商可以在一定程度上降低原料质量风险,因为可靠的供应商通常有更严格的内部质量控制措施来保证其提供的原料质量稳定
Supplier evaluation and selection
Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of suppliers before purchasing raw materials. The evaluation includes the supplier's production capacity, quality management system, reputation, supply history, etc. For example, conducting on-site inspections of suppliers' production factories to check whether their production equipment is advanced and whether the production environment meets hygiene standards (for food and drug raw material suppliers); Review the quality certification certificates of suppliers, such as ISO 9001 quality management system certification, etc; Understand the supplier's past supply records and whether there have been frequent quality issues or delivery delays. Choosing high-quality suppliers can to some extent reduce the risk of raw material quality, as reliable suppliers usually have stricter internal quality control measures to ensure the stability of the raw material quality they provide

 楼主| 发表于 2024-12-19 13:13:53 | 显示全部楼层
  • 当原料到货时,首先进行接收检查,核对原料的名称、规格、数量、批次、生产日期等信息与采购订单和送货单是否一致。然后按照预先制定的抽样计划进行抽样。抽样计划应根据原料的性质、批量大小、检验的严格程度等因素确定。对于大批量的原料,可以采用统计抽样方法,如按照一定比例从不同部位抽取样品;对于一些贵重或质量稳定性较差的原料,可能需要增加抽样数量或进行全检。抽样过程要确保随机性和代表性,避免抽样偏差影响检验结果的准确性

Raw material receiving and sampling
When the raw materials arrive, the first step is to conduct a receiving inspection, checking whether the name, specifications, quantity, batch, production date and other information of the raw materials are consistent with the purchase order and delivery note. Then sample according to the pre established sampling plan. The sampling plan should be determined based on factors such as the nature of the raw materials, batch size, and the strictness of the inspection. For large quantities of raw materials, statistical sampling methods can be used, such as extracting samples from different parts in a certain proportion; For some valuable or poorly quality stable raw materials, it may be necessary to increase the sampling quantity or conduct a full inspection. The sampling process should ensure randomness and representativeness, and avoid sampling bias affecting the accuracy of inspection results

 楼主| 发表于 2024-12-19 13:14:37 | 显示全部楼层
  • 依据检验标准对抽取的样品进行检验。检验方法包括物理检验(如使用量具测量尺寸、用仪器检测外观瑕疵等)、化学分析(如采用色谱法、光谱法等检测化学成分)、微生物检测(如平板计数法、酶联免疫吸附测定等检测微生物数量和种类)以及性能测试(如对材料进行拉伸试验、抗压试验等)等。
Inspection implementation
Inspect the extracted samples according to the inspection standards. The inspection methods include physical inspection (such as measuring dimensions with measuring tools, detecting appearance defects with instruments, etc.), chemical analysis (such as using chromatography, spectroscopy, etc. to detect chemical composition), microbiological testing (such as plate counting method, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, etc. to detect the number and type of microorganisms), and performance testing (such as conducting tensile tests, compressive tests, etc. on materials).

 楼主| 发表于 2024-12-19 13:15:28 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 gaowenhua 于 2024-12-19 13:17 编辑

  • 结果判定与处理
  • 根据检验结果与检验标准进行对比,判定原料是否合格。如果原料合格,则办理入库手续,将原料存入相应的仓库区域,并做好库存管理记录,包括入库时间、库位、批次等信息,以便在生产领用时分清批次,实现先进先出的库存管理原则。如果原料不合格,要按照不合格品处理程序进行处理。一般包括对不合格品进行标识和隔离,防止其误用于生产;通知采购部门与供应商联系,协商退货、换货或让步接收等事宜。对于一些轻微不合格但经过评估可以通过一定处理后使用的原料(如进行简单加工、筛选等),要制定专门的处理方案并严格监控处理过程,确保处理后的原料质量符合要求后再投入生产
  • Result determination and processing
  • Compare the inspection results with the inspection standards to determine whether the raw materials are qualified. If the raw materials are qualified, the warehousing procedures will be handled, and the raw materials will be stored in the corresponding warehouse area. Inventory management records will be kept, including the warehousing time, location, batch and other information, in order to distinguish batches during production and achieve the principle of first in, first out inventory management. If the raw materials are not qualified, they should be processed according to the non-conforming product handling procedure. Generally, it includes identifying and isolating non-conforming products to prevent their misuse in production; Notify the procurement department to contact the supplier and negotiate matters such as returns, exchanges, or concession acceptance. For some raw materials that are slightly unqualified but can be used after evaluation (such as simple processing, screening, etc.), a specialized processing plan should be developed and the processing process should be strictly monitored to ensure that the quality of the processed raw materials meets the requirements before being put into production.

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