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  1. Being Late For Work
  1. 上班迟到
  The Dream: Usually in this dream you either can't get to work on time or are missing a deadline。梦境:通常在这个梦境中,你要么无法按时去上班,要么就是错过工作的最后期限。
  What It Means:This dream is a really good indication that you feel like you're missing out on an opportunity or what you really want in your career。解梦:这种梦境实际上是一个好的提示,暗示在你的职业生涯中,你觉得自己正在错过某个机会或者你真正想要的东西。
  2. Feeling Unprepared For A Task
  2. 感到工作准备不足
  The Dream: This one is marked by anxiety over not being ready for a big presentation, event or work task. It's often specific to the profession, like an actor not knowing his lines。梦境:这个梦境通常是对某个重要任务没有准备好而表现出来的焦虑,比如某个重大的展示、活动或者工作任务。这种梦境一般都与特定职业相关,比如演员忘记台词。
  What It Means: It can usually be connected to an upcoming event that you're nervous about, in which your performance will be judged. If it's recurring and not tied to anything specific, it may suggest a lack of confidence。解梦:这种梦境往往与即将到来的某个事件有关,这一事件会令你感到紧张,因为在这一事件中,别人会对你的表现作出评估。如果反复做这样的梦,又没有特指是什么类型的事件,那么有可能这是缺乏自信的征兆。
  3. Getting Stuck In The Elevator
  3. 被困在电梯里
  The Dream: Workplace elevator dreams usually involve an elevator stalling, moving sideways or dropping down rather than going up。梦境:与工作电梯相关的梦境往往涉及到电梯停电、倾斜或下降而不是上升。
  What It Means: Elevators represent our ability to progress in our careers. If it's not moving smoothly upwards, it reflects your fear that your career is not progressing as it should。解梦:工作场所中的电梯代表了我们在职业生涯中不断进步的能力。如果电梯没有顺利地上升,这反映出你在担心自己的事业没有取得预期的进步。
  4. Being Chased In The Office
  4. 在办公室被人追
  The Dream: Commonly people dream about being chased or threatened in the office, but often can't see the face of the personpursuing them。梦境:通常在这样的梦境中,人们会梦到在办公室里自己正在被别人追逐或正在受到威胁,但是却看不清对方长什么样子。
  What It Means: This dream typically represents something in waking life that you're pursuing, which is under threat. It's meant to draw attention to obstacles you're encountering。解梦:出现这种梦境的最典型的情况往往是你在现实生活中追求的某种东西正在受到威胁。你需要关注自己正在遭遇的困难。
  5. Being Naked At Work
  5. 上班时赤身裸体
  The Dream: This dream involves being either completely naked or inappropriately dressed in the office. Usually the dreamer is panicked, but no one else in the dream seems to notice。梦境:在这种梦境中,一般做梦的人要不在办公室里赤身裸体,要不就是穿着不合时宜。通常情况是,做梦者自己很恐慌,而梦里的其他人似乎都没有注意到一样。
  What It Means: This dream symbolizes feeling vulnerable and exposed at work. You may also be concerned about how others perceive you。解梦:这种梦境表示你在工作中感到不堪一击,而且完全处于暴露的状态中。这个梦境还表示你很关注别人对你的看法。
  6. Can't Find The Bathroom
  6. 找不到洗手间
  The Dream: The dreamer is usually wandering the halls and unable to find the bathroom. Alternately, he may be in the bathroom and can't close the door or the toilet is exposed without any doors。梦境:在这种梦境里,做梦者通常是在办公楼里走来走去找洗手间却无法找到。还有一种情况是,做梦者可能已经在洗手间里了,但却无法关上洗手间的门或者根本就没有门。
  What It Means: Any dream about a bathroom represents your fundamental needs, and if you cannot find one at work, it means your needs aren't being met or you're having trouble expressing them. If you can't secure the bathroom door, you need to establish clearer boundaries with colleagues。解梦:与洗手间有关的梦都代表了你的基本需求。如果你在工作中找不到洗手间,那么说明你的需求没有得到满足或无法表达。如果无法关上洗手间的门,那么你需要和同事之间确定更加明晰的界限。
  7. Equipment Isn't Working
  The Dream: In this dream, typically the phone, computer or printer is broken。梦境:在这种梦境中,通常坏掉的都是电话、电脑或者打印机。
  What It Means:It represents something in your waking life that isn't working. Most commonly the phone is dead, which may suggest a communication problem you're experiencing。解梦:这个梦境说明在你的现实生活中,某个东西不起作用了。梦中如果出现电话机坏了,那说明你正在遭遇沟通不畅的问题。
  8. Getting Delayed At The Airport
  8. 在机场被耽误
  The Dream: Usually the dreamer arrives at the airport for a work trip, and there are massive lines or they get to the front and don't have the proper paperwork。梦境:通常来说,做梦者因公事前往机场出差,遇到很多人排队,或者好不容易排到自己时却发现带错了文件。
  What It Means: Airports represent your ability to embark on something. Getting delayed may represent exterior obstacles or your own anxieties。解梦:机场代表了开始做某事的能力。在机场被耽误说明出现了外部的困难或是自己对某事感到焦虑。
  9. Losing Control Of A Car On The Way To Work
  9. 上班路上车子失控
  The Dream: Often the dreamer is driving and loses control of the car. Alternately, she may be on a train or bus that is swerving or off course。梦境:在这种梦境中,做梦者通常是在开车时失去了对车的控制。或者是做梦者乘坐的火车或公共汽车突然转向或脱离轨道。
  What It Means: This represents your drive in your career and your efforts to make progress toward an objective. If the vehicle is spinning out of control, it means you feel that you don't have enough control in your waking life。解梦:这种梦境代表的是你的事业发展和你朝着某个目标前进所做的努力。如果车子失去了控制,说明你觉得自己在现实生活中的控制力不够。
  10. Sleeping With A Coworker
  10. 和同事上床
  The Dream: It involves inappropriate intimacy with a colleague or, more often, a boss. Usually there isn't a real attraction in waking life, so the dreamer wakes up feeling confused or concerned about what it means。梦境:这种梦境一般涉及到和同事发生不正当的亲密关系,更有甚者是和自己的老板上床。通常来说,在现实生活中,做梦者并不觉得对方有吸引力,所以会在梦醒后对此感到困惑和担忧。
  What It Means: If it's a coworker that you're not attracted to, it represents knowing that you need to unite with them on a project or goal, or that you want to take on a skill or personality trait they possess. Alternately, if it's a boss, it represents a subconscious recognition that you have a big idea, and you're trying to give yourself the power to act on it。解梦:如果你并不喜欢梦里的同事,那么代表你知道自己需要在某个项目或目标上与其合作,或者你想拥有他们身上的某种能力或品德。如果梦里出现的对象是老板的话,那么这代表你的潜意识认为你拥有一个好主意,你正在想办法让自己获得去实践想法的权利。

发表于 2013-7-27 19:20:01 | 显示全部楼层
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