发表于 2012-9-21 18:31:18
In the assembly process of motor, workers didn’t clean debris within motor casing by air gun, then debris between the two gears in the motor running process would make motor stuck to death(make motor get stuck tightly), latch was not activating.
2. 电机2小时老化检查过程中,检查员未关注电机运转,而后续装配电机组合件测试过程中由于测试时间短,个别电机内的杂物未卡在齿轮之间,电机未出现卡死现象,导致不良电机未被侦测出来。
In the aging inspection process of motor 2 hours running, the inspectors didn’t pay attention to the motor operation(the motor running status), and in the test process of subsequent motor latch assembly, due to the test time was short, and because debris within individual motor wasn’t between two gears, motor didn’t stuck, they leaded to defective motor wasn’t detected(and because there are several motors without debris getting stuck,as a result of not being detected. )
3.审核电机供应商,要求供应商改进电机生产工艺并做好质量监控; Auditing the motor supplier, requiring it(them) to improve the technology of motor producation and do the quality monitoring.
4.对于电机2小时的老化运行检查,生产管理人员应监管工人操作。For the aging inspection of motor 2 hours running, production management personnel must supervise workers' operations.
5.已对供应商进行质量审核,供应商已改进电机生产工艺,增加了电机清洁工序并进行质量监控;Already to motor supplier quality audit. Motor supplier has already improved the relevant technology, added one process(section) of motor cleaning, and monitored process quality.
Already established the operating system of production management personnel supervising the workers’ aging inspection.Already established the procedure of the aging inspection on supervising workers' operations by cell leaders
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