
楼主 |
发表于 2013-4-8 08:10:42
Without a persuasive story, 'you look like an opportunist instead of a business builder, ' cautions John Keller, a vice chairman of executive recruiters CTPartners.
高管猎头CTPartners的副会长约翰•凯勒(John Keller)说,如果没有一套让人信服的说辞,“那么你就会像是一个投机分子,而不是一个企业建设者”。
Jolie Hunt, whom AOL recruited as chief marketing officer last July, parted ways in December when CEO Tim Armstrong decided to decentralize marketing. John Browett resigned from Apple Inc. in October, six months after joining to run its retail stores. Stephen Gillett, Best Buy Co.'s head of digital, stayed nine months before jumping ship to become chief operating officer of Symantec Corp.in December.
朱莉•亨特(Jolie Hunt)在去年7月被美国在线(AOL)聘为首席营销长;12月,在CEO蒂姆•阿姆斯特朗(Tim Armstrong)决定下放营销权时,她与公司分道扬镳。约翰•布洛威特(John Browett)10月份从苹果公司(Apple Inc.)辞职,离他加入苹果负责零售店才六个月时间。史蒂芬•吉列特(Stephen Gillett)以数码部负责人的身份在百思买(Best Buy Co.)工作了九个月之后,便于12月跳槽到赛门铁克(Symantec Corp.)担任首席运营长。
AOL had hired Ms. Hunt to centralize its marketing, according to someone familiar with her thinking. But she and Mr. Armstrong 'disagreed over what the chief marketing officer should do, ' this person recalls. Upon her departure, the company cancelled a $10 million branding campaign that she spearheaded.