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发表于 2013-4-8 08:06:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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New Job a Mistake? Tips for a Fast Exit
John Coletta quit as chief financial officer of Real Goods Solar Inc. in late August─just five months after he arrived. He announced his departure to his boss and other company board members in an email.

入职仅五个月后,约翰•科莱塔(John Coletta)于去年8月辞去太阳能公司(Real Goods Solar Inc.)首席财务长一职。他通过电子邮件向老板和公司其他董事递交了辞呈。

Mr. Coletta says he felt guilty leaving so soon to take the same position at Quiznos. But the restaurant chain, which needed him to start in mid-September, offered a chance 'to go from a good fit to a great fit, ' he adds. He believes he exited 'with style and grace' because he briefly advised his interim successor at the solar-energy company.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-8 08:10:42 | 显示全部楼层
Without a persuasive story, 'you look like an opportunist instead of a business builder, ' cautions John Keller, a vice chairman of executive recruiters CTPartners.

高管猎头CTPartners的副会长约翰•凯勒(John Keller)说,如果没有一套让人信服的说辞,“那么你就会像是一个投机分子,而不是一个企业建设者”。

Jolie Hunt, whom AOL recruited as chief marketing officer last July, parted ways in December when CEO Tim Armstrong decided to decentralize marketing. John Browett resigned from Apple Inc. in October, six months after joining to run its retail stores. Stephen Gillett, Best Buy Co.'s head of digital, stayed nine months before jumping ship to become chief operating officer of Symantec Corp.in December.

朱莉•亨特(Jolie Hunt)在去年7月被美国在线(AOL)聘为首席营销长;12月,在CEO蒂姆•阿姆斯特朗(Tim Armstrong)决定下放营销权时,她与公司分道扬镳。约翰•布洛威特(John Browett)10月份从苹果公司(Apple Inc.)辞职,离他加入苹果负责零售店才六个月时间。史蒂芬•吉列特(Stephen Gillett)以数码部负责人的身份在百思买(Best Buy Co.)工作了九个月之后,便于12月跳槽到赛门铁克(Symantec Corp.)担任首席运营长。

AOL had hired Ms. Hunt to centralize its marketing, according to someone familiar with her thinking. But she and Mr. Armstrong 'disagreed over what the chief marketing officer should do, ' this person recalls. Upon her departure, the company cancelled a $10 million branding campaign that she spearheaded.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-8 08:12:12 | 显示全部楼层
Ms. Hunt tells recruiters the AOL job changed shortly after she arrived, the informed individual says.


Apple's Mr. Browett soon discovered 'that their culture and strategic direction was different from what he envisioned, ' says a spokesman for Monsoon Accessorize, a U.K. fashion retailer where he took command in early March. Mr. Gillett declined to comment.

布洛威特在3月上旬成为英国时装零售商Monsoon Accessorize的掌门人。该公司发言人说,布洛威特加入苹果后不久便发现,“他们的文化和战略方向有别于他的想象”。吉列特则拒绝置评。

In job interviews following a rapid resignation, 'you should admit that you didn't do enough homework before accepting your last position without blaming anyone there, ' says Laurence Stybel, co-founder of Stybel Peabody Lincolnshire, a Boston leadership consultancy. He also suggests describing lessons learned from this mistake.

发表于 2013-4-8 08:13:05 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-8 08:14:09 | 显示全部楼层
Putting a positive spin on a rapid resignation doesn't mean glossing over the truth, however. Recruiters say they reject prospects whose resumes omit a short stint, and dig deep to confirm reasons for fast exits.


Two years ago, the chief operating officer of an Ohio retailer interviewed for a CEO post elsewhere. He said he had stepped down as second in command of another retailer in 2008 because the chief executive resisted relinquishing control, according to Peter Crist, chairman of recruiters Crist/Kolder Associates, which handled the 2011 hunt.

两年前,俄亥俄州某零售企业的首席运营长去参加另一家公司CEO职位的面试。经手这次招聘的是猎头公司Crist/Kolder Associates,其董事长彼得•克里斯特(Peter Crist)说,这位首席运营长表示他曾在2008年辞去另一家零售企业的二把手职务,原因是首席执行长拒绝放权。

But a board member at that retailer contradicted the former COO's explanation, telling the search firm that he left because 'he crossed the professional line in how he dealt with women subordinates, ' Mr. Crist remembers. The rejected CEO candidate should have told the truth because 'leadership is about character, '' the recruiter says. 'You can run but you can't hide in our world.'

 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-8 08:15:49 | 显示全部楼层
To be sure, there are times when making a hasty exit makes sense. Mitch Marcus resigned as chief financial officer of Orbitz Worldwide Inc. on Jan. 8, two months after he arrived, in order 'to pursue other opportunities, ' the online-travel agency said in a regulatory filing. Mr. Marcus joined Orbitz after extensive due diligence, a Marcus acquaintance says. But he quickly realized 'it was not the right place for him.'

需要说明的是,有些时候匆忙离职确实是合理之举。米奇•马库斯(Mitch Marcus)在上任两个月之后,便于今年1月8日辞去了在线旅行社Orbitz Worldwide Inc.首席财务长一职,以“追寻其他机会”。这是Orbitz公司在一份监管备案资料里的说法。马库斯的一位熟人说,他是在做了详尽的尽职调查之后加入Orbitz的,但他很快意识到这家公司“不适合他”。

For those who wait nearly a year to leave an ill-fitting management post, 'there's a perception that the company fired you, ' warns Jane Howze, a managing director of recruiters Alexander Group. That attitude partly explains why the search firm still woos candidates like the current CFO of a South Carolina law firm whose last job lasted a week.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-8 08:20:22 | 显示全部楼层
For employers, writing a corporate biography for a newly hired executive with a brief tenure elsewhere requires a 'a bit of finesse, ' says Howard Polskin, a New York media consultant who has held senior communication roles at two Fortune 500 companies. He's used phrases such as 'left after a short stint' or just mentioned the executive's year of employment at another firm.

曾在两家财富500强公司担当高级公关职位的纽约传媒咨询师霍华德•鲍尔斯金(Howard Polskin)说,对于雇主来讲,为某个刚刚招聘进来、曾经短暂供职于其他公司的高管写介绍材料,需要“采用一定的技巧”。他曾使用“短暂任职后离开”之类的措辞,或只提及高管是于哪年在另一家公司工作。

Quiznos omitted Mr. Coletta's Real Goods tenure from its Oct. 16 announcement about his appointment. Instead, the press release emphasized his franchise and restaurant experience at two other businesses. 'Real Goods was a short period of time and very different, ' observes Elizabeth Sapp, a Quiznos spokeswoman. 'So why mention it?'

 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-8 08:23:53 | 显示全部楼层
prospect ['prɔspekt] video n. 前途;预期;景色vi. 勘探,找矿vt. 勘探,勘察
candidate ['kændideit, -dət] video n. 候选人,候补者;应试者
retailer ['ri:teilə] video n. 零售商;传播的人
recruit [ri'kru:t] video n. 招聘;新兵;新成员vt. 补充;聘用;征募;使…恢复健康vi. 复原;征募新兵;得到补充;恢复健康
franchise ['fræntʃaiz] video n. 特权;公民权;经销权;管辖权vt. 给…以特许(或特权);赋予公民权
eyebrow ['aibrau] video n. 眉毛v. 为…描眉;用皱眉蹙额迫使
resign [ri'zain] video vt. 辞职;放弃;委托;使听从vi. 辞职n. 辞去职务
strategic [strə'ti:dʒik] video adj. 战略上的,战略的
corporate ['kɔ:pərit] video adj. 法人的;共同的,全体的;社团的
omit [əu'mit] video vt. 省略;遗漏;删除;疏忽
发表于 2013-4-8 08:27:18 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-4-8 08:29:20 | 显示全部楼层
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