楼主 |
发表于 2013-4-9 16:18:05
6. In:Including links to websites for all companies on your resume, and, if possible, a brief description of each company. "Few do this, but it is always well-received," says Williams. "Hiring managers have an interest in knowing what a company does and what your previous position there had to do with that."
正确的做法:在你的简历中添加上各个公司的主页链接,并且如果可能的话还加上一小段公司介绍。Williams 说:“很少有人会这样做,但是这样却会收到很好的效果。招聘经理都有兴趣想知道你的前任公司是做什么的,以及你在那家公司里的工作是做些什么。”
Out:Assuming hirers know your old company or don't need to know.