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发表于 2013-4-11 13:38:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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With the rise of online travel booking engines such as Agoda and Zuji, you might expect traditional travel agents to be looking for new careers.


But not in Asia, thanks to travelers like Nicki Fung. A former Hong Kong resident, she has relied on the same travel agent for more than a decade.

但是因为有了Nicki Fung这样的旅行者,上述情形在亚洲并没有发生。十多年来她安排出行时找的都是同一个旅行中介。

 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-11 13:43:29 | 显示全部楼层
'If I can route through Hong Kong via Cathay Pacific, I'll try to do that and have her handle the rest,' says Ms. Fung, who is now based in Beijing, where she co-founded the education company Vericant.

Fung曾经住在香港,现在住在北京,是维立克教育公司(Vericant)的创始人之一,她说:“如果我可以通过国泰航空(Cathay Pacific)飞经香港,我会尽可能这么做然后让她处理其余的事情。”

The reason for her loyalty? The travel agent 'thinks ahead for me,' she says.


 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-11 13:45:25 | 显示全部楼层
Not only does her agent, Christine Chiu of Shalom Travel, monitor seat availability and handle last-minute schedule changes, but she also pieces together complex itineraries.

她的中介、平安旅行社(Shalom Travel)的Christine Chiu不仅密切关注着航班剩余座位并帮她处理哪怕最后一分钟的日程变动,也会帮助她整合复杂的行程。

Last summer, Ms. Fung wanted to combine a work trip to Canada and the U.S. with a holiday with her mother to Kenya. 'It was much easier to work with my travel agent and have her suggest things that I wouldn't have been able to find on my own,' she says.


 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-11 15:02:39 | 显示全部楼层
Ms. Fung isn't alone. In Hong Kong, the number of new travel agencies cropping up has been steadily increasing over recent years. Last year, there were 1,683 members of the Travel Industry Council, a professional body whose membership is required for an operating license in the territory. In 2010, there were 1,568.

Fung并不是个例。在香港,新增旅行社的数量在近几年稳定上升。去年,香港旅游业议会(Travel Industry Council)的会员单位数量有1683个,2010年则是1568个。成为会员是专业机构取得营业执照的必要条件。

'Hong Kong citizens realize that if they want attention, they have to purchase through a licensed agent,' says Joseph Tung, the council's executive director.


 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-11 15:05:32 | 显示全部楼层
Convenience, saving time, personalized service, these are all reasons why I stuck by my travel agent in Bangkok for years, especially when it came to booking flights. A good agent can be a godsend at a time when airlines are coming up with greater restrictions and fees, and ever-more complex mileage rules.


My trusty agent, Mike Chan of Green Travel, had all my frequent-flier membership numbers on file, would book tickets with mileage, and snag upgrades.

这位让我信赖的中介就是Green Travel的Mike Chan,他将我所有的航空公司常旅客号码记录在案,在订票的同时帮我累积里程和升舱。

 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-11 15:07:40 | 显示全部楼层
But not all travel agents are created equal. For every on-top-of-it agent, there are plenty who do the bare minimum. That's driven Charmaine Wai, a seasoned road warrior and director of development at INSEAD's Singapore campus, online.

但是并不是所有的旅行中介都水平相当。与顶尖的中介相比,有许多人做得实在是太少了。正是这一点使得Charmaine Wai转而到网上寻求服务,她是欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)新加坡校区业务发展总监,也是个老道的旅行者。

'You pay a premium for a travel agent, but they don't necessarily find the best fares, and it's usually a Y-class fare, not priority,' Ms. Wai says.


 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-11 15:09:31 | 显示全部楼层
She adds that she prefers booking directly through an airline's website, which not only allows her to pick the fare class, but also her seat and meal.


Indeed, more travelers are turning to the Internet for their holiday planning. According to a report by PhoCusWright, a U.S.-based travel market research company, the number of online bookings in Asia-Pacific is growing twice as fast as the overall travel market. By the end of this year, they're projected to make up 25% of all travel bookings.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-11 15:19:11 | 显示全部楼层
Japan, an early adopter of e-commerce, leads the region in online bookings. But markets in China and India are growing quickly amid an aggressive push by established international websites coupled with the growth of local ones such as China's Ctrip and India's Makemytrip and Cleartrip, says Douglas Quinby, senior director of research at PhoCusWright.

日本是电子商务发展较早的地区,在亚太地区的在线预定领域也处于领先位置。不过PhoCusWright高级调研总监道格拉斯?昆比(Douglas Quinby)表示,中国和印度市场也增长迅速,已有的国际性网站强势进入,本土网站也发展壮大,例如中国的携程(Ctrip)以及印度的Makemytrip 和Cleartrip。

 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-11 15:21:12 | 显示全部楼层
Booking online isn't for everyone. Mr. Quinby notes that Hong Kong and South Korea, which has the highest Internet penetration rates in the world, are outliers that puzzle industry experts. Meanwhile, traditional agents still do good business selling to retirees and travel greenhorns on package tours.


 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-11 15:22:25 | 显示全部楼层
Still, the trend is undeniable. 'In markets in Northeast Asia [Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, and Macau], travelers are younger and more independent. We also see in India and China, city-based travelers with higher income levels booking online,' Mr. Quinby says.


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