
楼主 |
发表于 2013-4-12 12:12:11
The exact source of infection remains unknown, though samples have tested positive in some birds in poultry markets that remain the focus of investigations by China and the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization.
Speaking in Bangkok, the FAO's Subhash Morzaria said: "This particular region is land linked and so there is a possibility that if, inadvertently or advertently, somebody moves infected poultry across borders we can anticipate the spread of this virus."
在曼谷的演讲中,粮农组织的Subhash Morzaria说:“这片特别的区域国土相连,万一有人无意或有意跨越国界地转移受感染的家禽,我们可以预见这种病毒的传播。”