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发表于 2013-4-12 19:12:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Mindy Grossman
    When I was at Nike, I was bemoaning the fact that somebody on my team wasn't performing -- and I was trying to get him to perform better. Finally, Phil Knight [Nike co-founder and chairman] said to me, "Mindy, what you really have to focus on is not trying to make ordinary people extraordinary. You need to hire extraordinary people." In today's world, talent is so critical to the success of what you're doing -- their core competencies and how well they fit into your office culture. The combination can be, well, extraordinary. But only if you bring in the right people.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-12 19:14:39 | 显示全部楼层
Jack Bogle
Founder and retired CEO of the Vanguard group
    I was a runner for a little brokerage firm here in Philadelphia, delivering securities from one little brokerage firm to another. One of the other runners looked at me and he said, "Bogle, I'm gonna tell you everything you need to know about the investment business." And I said, "What's that, Ray?" And he said, "Nobody knows nuthin'." And it turns out, Ray was right. People say there are great performers out there, but it's a lot of randomness. None of us are smarter than the markets.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-12 19:19:23 | 显示全部楼层
    就我而言,不一定是言语建议,我得到的更多是榜样建议。这个榜样就是【前西南航空(Southwest Airlines)首席执行官】赫伯·凯勒赫,我认识他已有10多年了。知道他做得很好,和他在一起时,我留意观察,潜移默化地学习。他非常善于倾听,也确实教过我,倾听自己的员工有多么重要。如果你看到工作中的赫伯,一定会留下深刻印象。他非常专注,都不会留心屋里还有谁。这不是基于什么原则;他就是这样。
Doug Parker
CEO of US Airways
    In my case it's not necessarily words of advice, but more advice I received through example. The example is Herb Kelleher [former CEO of Southwest Airlines], who I've gotten to know over the last 10 years. Knowing how great he's done, I've tried to hang out and watch and learn through osmosis. He is so good at listening, and has really taught me how important it is to listen to your employees. If you watch Herb in action, it really is phenomenal. He is completely engaged and never looks over your shoulders to see who else is in the room. It's not out of principle; it's just who he is.
    I try really hard now to have forums that allow employees to talk to me, rather than me being in front of 1,000 people. Four times a month, I put myself in a room with 30 or 40 pilots and flight attendants, and I talk for 10 minutes; they talk for 50. It's not just listening out of respect -- you can't imagine how much better you can do your job when you operate this way. When you're leading a big organization like an airline, there's a whole lot you can miss, so you have to start by listening to people. Then you can decide what the right course is.
    I'm nowhere near where Herb is as a listener yet, but just yesterday, we had one of these meetings and someone told me about going to check in and all we had available was first class. She was traveling with her 10-year-old, and he wasn't allowed in first, so they couldn't fly. I don't think that's right. I didn't even know we had that policy, so it's going to change.
发表于 2013-4-12 21:28:05 | 显示全部楼层
Sara Blakely
Founder of Spanx
    I used to sit at the dining room table as a kid and my dad would ask me what I failed at that week. If I tried out for a school play and didn't get it, he would high-five me. He always encouraged me to fail. I didn't realize at the time how much this advice would define not only my future, but my definition of failure. I have realized as an entrepreneur that so many people don't pursue their idea because they were scared or afraid of what could happen. My dad taught me that failing simply just leads you to the next great thing. It was pretty unconventional parenting, but I realize now that if I hadn't failed, I wouldn't be where I am today. I tried to be a lawyer and failed the LSATs twice. It was one of many tests that showed me how some of the biggest failures in our lives just nudge us into another path.




发表于 2013-4-12 21:29:14 | 显示全部楼层
Beth Comstock
SVP and CMO of General Electric
    Very early in my career, I had a tough boss. She had my best interests at heart, but she was a pretty critical person. She once pulled me aside and said, "Sometimes I feel like you just can't finish things. You start well, but you don't finish." Boy, I hated that that was her impression of me. My first instinct was, She's wrong -- I finish things. But the best advice is often the most painful advice, and you have to trust the person who's giving it to you. When you get criticism, ask yourself if it's relevant. In this instance the reason it hurt so much was that my boss was right. After our conversation, I took special classes to give me skills that I didn't quite have, so I couldn't use anything as an excuse to not finish a project. Now, in the back of my mind, I'm always asking, "Did I cross the finish line?"




发表于 2013-4-12 21:31:49 | 显示全部楼层
    在帮阿尔托斯(Altos Computer)上市后,共同创始人戴维·杰克逊和我坐了下来,回顾我们走过的路,我们如何打造了这家当时美国增长最快的一家公司。我们能够做到这样,是因为我们和客户建立了私人关系。他从一开始就说:“重点不在于你懂什么,而在于你认识谁。”从此,我一直相信做生意,一切的一切就是关系,绝不应轻视这一点。我们要了解客户,了解他们的家人。我们签下的最大一笔交易是和Control Data Corp.公司。我们和这家公司的首席执行官一起吃过饭,一起去看球赛,我们真的成了朋友。如今,我和这些人还是朋友。
Ron Conway
    As we took Altos Computer public, co-founder David Jackson and I sat down to reflect on how we had managed to build what at the time was one of the fastest-growing companies in America. We did it because we formed personal relationships with our customers. He started using the phrase "It's not what you know, but who you know." Since then I've always believed that everything in business is about relationships, and you should never take them lightly. We got to know our customers. We got to know their families. The biggest deal we ever signed was with a company called Control Data Corp. We took the CEO to dinner, we took him to ball games, we truly became friends. I am still friends with these people.
    I still use David's advice. My investing is based on having one of the biggest networks in Silicon Valley. When we solve a big problem for one of our portfolio companies, I say to the CEO, "It's not what you know. It's who you know."




发表于 2013-4-12 21:32:41 | 显示全部楼层
    1960年当我进入芝加哥大学(the University of Chicago)时,我接触到了一些进行新兴金融研究的教授。那时金融还算不上是一门学科,正在诞生之中,而我恰巧就到了它正在诞生的地方。因此,我有点着迷,当时学校里每个人都感兴趣。
Eugene Fama
Economist, author
    When I came to the University of Chicago in 1960, I was exposed to professors who were involved in the nascent subject of finance, which didn't exist as a discipline at the time. It was all being born, and it just happened that I had come to the place where that birth was happening. So I kind of got into it because everybody there was interested in it.
    In my first year I took an intermediate statistics class with a professor named Harry Roberts. I was 21 at the time. He was very much like me -- he was into all kinds of sports, and he was a runner. I had done a lot of statistics work as an undergraduate and had already worked with data, so I was pretty advanced when I started. But what I learned from Harry was a philosophy. He gave me an attitude toward statistics that has stuck with me ever since.
    With formal statistics, you say something -- a hypothesis -- and then you test it. Harry always said that your criterion should be not whether or not you can reject or accept the hypothesis, but what you can learn from the data. The best thing you can do is use the data to enhance your description of the world. That has been the guiding light of my research. You should use market data to understand markets better, not to say this or that hypothesis is literally true or false. No model is ever strictly true. The real criterion should be: Do I know more about markets when I'm finished than I did when I started? Harry's lesson is one that I've passed on to my students over the 49 years that I've been a teacher.




发表于 2013-4-12 21:34:43 | 显示全部楼层
    1978年,施乐(Xerox)开始对Kurzweil Computer Products感兴趣,并对我的公司进行了投资。1979年,他们表示有意收购。他们感兴趣的是扫描和文字识别技术。当时施乐是一家打印机公司,他们有很多的产品:复印机、打印机,都是将电脑化信息转录到纸张上。我们有一项技术,能反其道而行之。当时我还没有那样的理念:我真正的业务是发明技术,打造业务,然后出售。我的态度是:这是我的公司,我的职责是创立它,打造成功,然后可能卖给施乐。但我的首席财务官哈瑞·乔治称:“你真正擅长的是发明新的技术,带给这个世界。但有其他人,可以把它带到全球市场。你应该卖给施乐。”
    我接受了他的建议,施乐在这个基础上打造了一家全球领先的企业。由此,我进入了这样的模式。这促使我重新定义自己的业务范畴:做一位发明家,发明突破性的技术,然后卖给大公司,在那里这些技术真正能够发扬光大。我已经卖了五家公司,现在所有这些公司都还在。比如,Kurzweil Music现在是现代(Hyundai)的一部分。这些公司能以更好的方式将它带给全球市场,这是我们这样一家小型合成制造商办不到的事情。
Ray Kurzweil
Futurist, inventor, author
    In 1978, Xerox became interested in Kurzweil Computer Products and made an investment in my company. In 1979 they expressed interest in acquiring it. They were interested in the scanning and character-recognition technology. Xerox was in the printer business, and they had a lot of machines: copiers, printers that took computerized information and put it out onto paper. We had a technology that could go in the other direction. At the time I did not have the philosophy that the real business I was in was creating technologies, creating a business from them, and selling them. My attitude was: This is my company, and my role is to create it and build it up and maybe make it into Xerox. But my CFO, Harry George, said, "What you're really good at is creating a new technology and bringing it into the world. But there are other people who can bring it to a world market. You should sell to Xerox."
    I took the advice, and Xerox created a world-leading company out of it. That got me into this paradigm. It caused me to redefine the business I'm in, which is being an inventor and creating breakthrough technologies and then finding the right home in a larger company where they can really thrive. I've sold five companies, and all of them have not disappeared into the woodwork. Kurzweil Music, for example, is now part of Hyundai. They were able to bring it to a world market in a much better way than we could as a small synthesizer manufacturer.




 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-13 10:50:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-4-13 10:52:19 | 显示全部楼层
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