
楼主 |
发表于 2013-4-17 08:38:13
领导这项研究的沙龙•托克说:“这个发现令人震惊,远远超过了我们的预料。”这项研究成果发表在《心身医学》(Psychosomatic Medicine)杂志上。研究结果显示,职业倦怠是“非常强烈的冠心病指标,超过了其他的已知风险因素,包括血脂水平、身体活动和吸烟等”。
"This is alarming and much more extreme than we expected," says Sharon Toker, who led the study, which was published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine. The findings suggest that job burnout is "a stronger predictor of coronary heart disease than many other known risk factors, including blood lipid levels, physical activity, and smoking.
"Some of the factors that contribute to burnout are common experiences in the workplace, including high stress, a heavy workload, a lack of control over job situations, a lack of emotional support, and long work hours," she adds. "These things lead to wear and tear, which will eventually weaken the body."