
楼主 |
发表于 2013-4-28 11:44:14
5. Doing Everything But Your Work
Are you checking your email, reading the news, updating Facebook, talking to coworkers, surfing the web, and checking your email again? You will never get to your work if you are doing everything else. Cut out the miscellaneous distractions, interruptions, etc. Close the email, turn off the internet if you must, and shut the door. Put your work in front of you and concentrate on that.
你又在查看邮件、浏览新闻、更新Facebook、与同事聊天、上网并再一次查看邮件了吧?如果你总是做其他琐事,工作怎么可能完成呢?撇开所有杂七杂八的琐事和干扰,关掉邮箱,必要的话就断开网络并关上门吧。工作就摆在眼前专心做吧。 |