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加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森管理学院(Anderson School at UCLA)的管理学教授科琳?本德斯基说:“这和常识有些相悖。”她曾参加过一项名为“外向性格者的衰落与内向性格者的崛起:任务组内地位分配的动态过程”(The Downfall of Extroverts and the Rise of Neurotics: The Dynamic Process of Status Allocation in Task Groups)研究,研究报告将在下一期《管理学会学报》(The Academy of Management Journal)中发表。
Let's say you're considering two candidates for a job. They have similar credentials and experience, but their personalities are poles apart. One is quiet, seems anxious, and lets you do most of the talking in interviews, apparently out of fear of saying something wrong. The other is talkative, engaging, and bursting with confidence. Which one do you choose?
Most hiring managers would opt for the second, extroverted candidate. Yet, for a job requiring teamwork, the anxious one, who shows signs of the personality type called "neurotic," might be the better choice in the long run.
"It's counterintuitive," notes Corinne Bendersky, who teaches management at the Anderson School at UCLA. She is co-author of a study called "The Downfall of Extroverts and the Rise of Neurotics: The Dynamic Process of Status Allocation in Task Groups," set for publication in the next issue of The Academy of Management Journal. |