
楼主 |
发表于 2013-5-2 18:49:50
咨询公司RHR International董事长兼CEO、高管更替专家托马斯?萨博立多表示,通常而言,召回前CEO对一家公司可不是个好兆头。当然,他也承认有一些例外,但召回老面孔一般都是管理失败的表现。 In general, putting an old CEO back in power is a bad sign for a company, argues succession expert Thomas Saporito, who is chairman and CEO of consulting firm RHR International. Of course, there are exceptions, he admits, but calling back a familiar face is generally a reflection of management failure.
公司必须要认真细致地对待接班计划。至少,管理完善的公司是这样做的。“如果你看到一家公司的董事会在CEO正常退休前约一年时间才开始探讨这个问题,你基本上可以确定他们行动太迟了,”萨博立多说,有效的接班计划通常在接班前三四年就已经启动了。 That's because companies work meticulously on their succession plans. At least, well-managed ones do. "If you see a board starting to tackle the question of CEO succession about a year out from normal retirement, you can almost be sure that they are way behind the curve," Saporito says, adding that effective succession plans generally kick in about three or four years before a transition takes place. |