
楼主 |
发表于 2013-5-4 00:20:19
Type D: Easily Led
Then there are those who look to others for affirmation, but instead they get discouragement. “Don’t go for a run—come for a beer instead, it’s way more fun.” Well, it’s more fun for your friend, who won’t feel guilty that they are not exercising when you are. So many people unwittingly try to sabotage your success, and they often do so because if you improve, they’ll be forced to focus on their own stagnation. They will try to drag you back to their level at every opportunity.
还有一些人喜欢从别人那里寻求肯定,但却总是被打击。“别去跑步了,来喝杯啤酒吧,这更有趣。” 好吧,对于你的朋友来说这更有趣,他们并不会因为你在锻炼时他们没有而感到内疚。所以许多人不经意中试图阻挠你的成功,他们这样做是因为如果你进步了,他们就不得不面对自己的止步不前。所以他们要利用每一次机会试图将你拉到和他们一样的水平。
Solution: Hang out with people who support you. If that’s not possible, if you have a sibling or spouse who discourages your goals and dreams, start to recognize when it happens and remain committed to your goal. When you start to recognize that other people are preventing you from living your life, you will stop allowing it to happen.