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[ISO9001] 【转】 关于ISO9001:2008标准常见问题的回答

发表于 2013-5-6 18:46:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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FAQs on ISO 9001:2008

This list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) has been prepared by ISO/TC 176/SC 2 to support the publication of ISO 9001:2008 and the revision of ISO 9004. Input has been obtained from experts and users of the ISO 9000 standards, expressed during seminars and presentations around the world.

本常见问题的回答是由ISO/TC 176/SC2编写的,目的是为了支持:ISO 9001:2008的颁布和ISO 9004的修改。这些问题都是ISO 9000系列标准的使用者和专家们在各种讨论会议中以及全世界各地提出来的,

The list will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis to maintain its accuracy, and to include new questions where appropriate.  It is intended that this list will also provide a good source of information for new users of the standards.


For the latest version of the FAQs, reference should be made to the open access web site at www.iso.org/tc176/sc2.


1.    What is ISO? 什么是ISO ?

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was established in 1947 and is (currently) an association of approximately 157 members, which each represent their own country. ISO employs a system of Technical Committees, Sub-committees and Working Groups to develop International Standards. Besides the National Standards Bodies, ISO permits other international organizations that develop standards to participate in its work, by accepting them as Liaison members. ISO works in accordance with an agreed set of rules of procedure, the ISO/IEC Directives, which also include requirements on the presentation of standards.
国际标准化组织(ISO)是1947年建立的,目前大约有157个成员组成的协会,每个成员代表一个国家。ISO 应用一个技术委员会系统,下面还有份委员会和工作组来开发国际标准。除了国家标准化组织外,ISO 还容许其他开发标准的各种国际组织,通过联络成员的身份参与工作。国际标准化组织按照一系列协商一致的程序规则进行工作的,其中包括ISO/IEC 指令有关提出各种标准的各项要求。

2.    Who are the National Standards Bodies, and who represents my country at ISO?

Please see the relevant page on ISO Online that gives details, including contact information, of the National Standards Bodies.

3.    What are the ISO 9000 standards ? 什么是ISO 9000系列标准?

The ISO 9000 standards are a collection of formal International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports, Handbooks and web based documents on Quality Management. There are approximately 25 documents in the collection altogether, with new or revised documents being developed on an ongoing basis.
ISO 9000是指有关质量管理方面正式的国际标准、技术规范、技术报告、手册和网站上文件一个系列文件的总称。一共大约有25份文件,有新颁布的,或者老文件经过修改的,还有正在修改的文件。
(It should be noted that many of the International Standards in the ISO 9000 family are numbered in the ISO 10000 range.)
(应当指出,ISO 9000系列国际中有很多文件的编号已经进入10000范围了。)

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-6 18:47:36 | 显示全部楼层
4.    Who is responsible for developing the ISO 9000 standards? 谁负责开发ISO 9000系列标准?

ISO Technical Committee (TC) number 176 (ISO/TC 176), and its Sub-committees, are responsible for the development of the standards. The work is conducted on the basis of "consensus" among quality and industry experts nominated by the National Standards Bodies, representing a wide range of interested parties.

5.    Where can copies of the standards be obtained? 我可以从哪里得到标准的文件?

Copies of the standards may be purchased from your National Standards Body (see list with contact details), or from ISO Central Secretariat through the ISO Store of by contacting the Marketing and Communication department (sales@iso.org). Many National Standards Bodies have them available in local-language versions.

6.    Where can copies of the supporting ISO 9000 guidance notes or other documents be found ?
从哪里可以得到支持ISO9000 标准的指导文件或者其他有关文件?

Copies of the ISO 9000 Introduction and Support Package modules:

Guidance on ISO 9001:2008 Sub-clause 1.2 'Application'
Guidance on the Documentation Requirements of ISO 9001:2008
Guidance on the Terminology used in ISO 9001 and ISO 9004
Guidance on the Concept and Use of the Process Approach for management systems
Guidance on 'Outsourced Processes'
as well as details of the Quality Management Principles can be found at:  

Copies of the ISO 9001 Auditing Practices Group guidance notes.  

Copies of the sanctioned ISO/TC 176 sanctioned “Interpretations” of ISO 9001 can be found at:

7.    Where can information be obtained on the ISO 9000 standards?

There are a number of sources of information on the ISO 9000 quality management system standards, including ISO's web site (www.iso.org), which carry information on the standards. Your National Standards Body should be able to provide copies of the standards, and registrars/certification bodies will be able to provide guidance on registration arrangements.

8.    Why are the standards being revised?

ISO’s formal review process:

Requires continual review to keep standards up to date. Must be initiated within 3 years of publication of a standard.
User inputs from:

A global user questionnaire/survey
A market Justification Study
Suggestions arising from the interpretation process
Opportunities for increased compatibility with ISO 14001
The need for greater clarity, ease of use, and improved translation
Current trends:

Keeping up with recent developments in management system practices.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-6 18:48:16 | 显示全部楼层
9.    Who is responsible for revising the standards?
谁负责修改ISO9000 系列标准的?

The revision process is the responsibility of ISO Technical Committee no.176, Sub-committee no.2 (ISO/TC 176/SC 2) and is conducted on the basis of consensus among quality and industry experts nominated by ISO Member bodies, and representing all interested parties.

10.    When will the revised standards be available?

The revised quality management system standards (ISO 9000, 9001 and 9004) are scheduled as follows:

ISO 9000:2005 already published – no major changes expected for 2009
Current plan is for small changes to ISO 9001 (an “amendment”) to be published in November 2008.
More significant changes are planned for ISO 9004 (a “revision”) to be published in mid 2009.

ISO 9000:2005已经在2005年修改好了。估计2009年不会有大的修改了;
ISO 90001:2008已经修改好11月15日出版了。只是做一些小的补充修改而已;
ISO 9004有大的变动,预期2009年出版。

11.    How much is the implementation of the new standard going to cost?

One of the goals of ISO/TC 176/SC 2 is to produce standards that will minimize any potential costs during a smooth implementation.  Any additional costs may be considered as a value-adding investment. A key factor in the development of ISO 9001:2008 was to limit the impact of changes on users.

在开发ISO 90001:2008标准的时候有一个关键因素就是要限制更改对标准使用者带来的影响。

12.    Where can I obtain information on the revised standards?

See the ISO Catalogue on ISO Online web site that carries general information on the revision program. Your National Standards Body will give you additional information and the certification/registration bodies will be able to provide guidance on transitional arrangements in due course.

可以从ISO 的网站分类中得到有关标准修改一般的信息;

13.    Where can my organization go if it needs additional clarification or interpretation of the ISO 9001:2008 standard?

The starting point for any individual request for an interpretation should be with the enquirer's National Standards Body. ISO Central Secretariat and ISO/TC 176/SC 2 cannot accept direct requests from individuals for interpretations of the ISO 9000 standards. ISO/TC 176 has a Working Group that only accepts formal requests for interpretations from the National Standards Bodies. The agreed interpretations can be found at http://www.tc176.org/.

任何个人对标准的理解有问题应当向国家的标准化机构咨询。ISO秘书处和ISO/TC176委员会的SC2工作组不会接受个人提出的有关ISO 9000系列标准的任何问题。ISO/TC176委员会有一个工作组只接受您们国家标准化组织用统一表单提出的问题。统一作出解答,公布在下列网站上: http://www.tc176.org/.

14.    Will my organization need a full reassessment once the revised standards are available?

This is primarily an issue between your organization and your registration/certification body. ISO/TC 176 is working with the IAF (International Accreditation Forum) and ISO/CASCO (the ISO Policy Committee for Conformity Assessment) in order to provide relevant information in a timely manner. ISO/CASCO is responsible for the standards to which the Certification Bodies work (ISO/IEC 17021), and the Accreditation Bodies are responsible for monitoring and approving the performance of Certification Bodies within their geographical area.

这是您们和认证机构之间的一个基本问题。ISOIAF(国际认可论坛)已经协商一致,公布了一个过渡时间的公报ISO/CASCO负责编写认证工作标准(ISO/IEC 17021),认可机构负责监视和批准该认可机构管辖范围内的认证机构来执行。

It is expected that conformity to the new ISO 9001:2008 standard will be evaluated by certification bodies during regular surveillance visits and that full reassessment will only take place once current certificates expire. However, it should be noted that ISO and the IAF have agreed that all certificates to ISO 9001 should be upgraded to ISO 9001:2008 within 2 years of publication of the amended standard.

希望认证机构能结合定期的监督审核来评估对新版标准ISO9001:2008的符合性,只有当现有证书到期换证审核的时候,会做全面的重新评估。但是,要注意到,ISO和IAF的过渡公报中规定,ISO9001:2008颁布后24个月以内ISO 9001:2000版证书必须升版。

15.    Will the revised standards be available in my national language immediately after they are published by ISO?

The active participation of experts from around the world in the preparation of the new standards, and the broad distribution of the draft standards, will facilitate the timely translation of the International Standards.


Given the global importance of the quality management system standards, many National Standards Bodies are already working on the translation issue.  ISO itself will publish the new standards in English and French, but if national language translations of the standards are currently available from your National Standards Body, we expect that they will have the translation of the revised standards ready at the time of publication by ISO or very soon thereafter.


For further details contact your National Standards Body.


16.    Will my organization have to re-write all its documentation?


No. ISO 9001:2008 doesn’t introduce major changes to the requirements, when compared to ISO 9001:2000. However, to benefit from the changes, we suggest you get acquainted with the new version of the standard and the clarifications introduced. If, during your analysis of the clarifications you find there are differences from your current interpretation of ISO 9001:2000, then you should analyse the impact on your current documentation and make the necessary arrangements to update it. It is intended that the amendment of ISO 9001 will have minimal or no impacts on documentation.


17.    Will the revised standards address financial issues?


Financial issues are not addressed in ISO 9001:2008, which is a requirements standard.


The ISO 10014:2006 and ISO 9004:2000, Guidelines for performance improvements standards will emphasize the financial resources needed for the implementation and improvement of a quality management system.

标准ISO 100014:2006和ISO9004:2000质量管理体系改进的指导标准这两份国际标准强调执行和改进质量管理体系所必要的各种财务资源。

18.    What are the benefits of the revised standards?


For ISO 9001:2008 the major benefits are:


Simple to use 使用简单
Clear in language 语言简洁
Readily translatable and easily understandable 容易翻译和理解
Compatibility with other management systems such as ISO 14001.和其他管理体系兼容,譬如和 ISO 14001环境管理体系兼容

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-6 18:49:31 | 显示全部楼层
For ISO 9004:

Facilitates improvement in users’ quality management systems.
Provides guidance to an organization for the creation of a quality management system that:
- creates value for its customers, via the products it provides
- creates value for all other interested parties
- balances all interested-party viewpoints.
Provides guidance for managers on leading their organization towards sustained success.
Forward compatibility to allow organizations to build on existing quality management systems.

= 通过向他们的顾客提供各种产品,为他们的顾客创造价值;
= 为其他利益相关方创造价值;
= 平衡各个利益相关方的各种观点。

19.    What are the main changes in ISO 9001:2008?


ISO 9001:2008 has been developed in order to introduce clarifications to the existing requirements of ISO 9001:2000 and changes that are intended to improve compatibility with ISO 14001:2004. ISO 9001:2008 does not introduce additional requirements nor does it change the intent of the ISO 9001:2000 standard.

ISO9001:2008标准主要是对现有ISO9001:2000标准做一些解释,有些更改只是为了改进和ISO 14001:2004的兼容。ISO9001:2008没有提出新的要求,也没有改变ISO9001:2000标准的意图。

Certification to ISO 9001:2008 is not an “upgrade”, and organizations that are certified to ISO 9001:2000 should be afforded the same status as those who have already received a new certificate to ISO 9001:2008


All changes between ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 9001:2008 are detailed in Annex B to ISO 9001:2008.


20.    What are the main benefits to be derived from implementing an ISO 9000 quality management system?


The ISO 9000 standards give organizations an opportunity to increase value to their activities and to improve their performance continually, by focusing on their major processes. The standards place great emphasis on making quality management systems closer to the processes of organizations and on continual improvement.  As a result, they direct users to the achievement of business results, including the satisfaction of customers and other interested parties.


The management of an organization should be able to view the adoption of the quality management system standards as a profitable business investment, not just as a required certification issue.


Among the perceived benefits of using the standards are:


The connection of quality management systems to organizational processes 把各个质量管理体系和组织的各个过程联系起来了
The encouragement of a natural progression towards improved organizational performance, via: 通过以下方式促使组织自然向着持续改进业绩的方向前进:
- the use of the Quality Management Principles采用质量管理八个原则
- the adoption of a "process approach"采用“过程模式”系统管理
- emphasis of the role of top management强调最高管理者的作用
- requirements for the establishment of measurable objectives at relevant functions and levels各个相关职能和层次建立可测量的目标的要求
- being orientated toward "continual improvement" and "customer satisfaction", including the monitoring of information on "customer satisfaction" as a measure of system performance.坚持“持续改进”和“顾客满意”的方向,包括把监视“顾客满意”的信息作为对体系性能的一种测量方法
- measurement of the quality management system, processes, and product使对质量管理体系、各个过程和产品的测量
- consideration of statutory and regulatory requirements.对法令和法规各项要求的考虑
- attention to resource availability关注资源的可获得性

21.    How will the implementation of the amended standard help my organization to improve its efficiency?


ISO 9001:2008 aims at guaranteeing the effectiveness (but not necessarily the efficiency) of the organization. For improved organizational efficiency, however, the best results can be obtained by using ISO 9004 in addition to ISO 9001:2008. The guiding quality management principles are intended to assist an organization in continual improvement, which should lead to efficiencies throughout the organization.


22.    What benefits are there to an organization implementing ISO 9004 ?


If a quality management system is appropriately implemented, utilizing the eight Quality Management Principles, and in accordance with ISO 9004, all of an organization's interested parties should benefit. For example:


Customers and users will benefit by receiving the products (see ISO 9000:2005, Fundamentals and vocabulary) that are:

Conforming to the requirements 符合各项要求;
Dependable and reliable 可信性和可靠性
Available when needed 需要时就能得到(可用性)
Maintainable 可维护性

People in the organization will benefit by:

Better working conditions 更好的工作环境
Increased job satisfaction 提高工作的满意度
Improved health and safety改进健康和安全
Improved morale 提高士气
Improved stability of employment 提高员工的稳定性

Owners and investors will benefit by:

Increased return on investment 提高投资回报率
Improved operational results 提高营运结果
Increased market share 提高市场份额
Increased profits 提高利润率

Suppliers and partners will benefit by:


Stability 稳定性
Growth 成长率

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-6 18:53:29 | 显示全部楼层
Partnership and mutual understanding 合作和双方的理解

Society will benefit by:

Fulfilment of legal and regulatory requirements法令和法规得到贯彻
Improved health and safety 提高健康和安全
Reduced environmental impact 降低对环境的影响
Increased security  提高治安

23.    Are the standards compatible with national quality award criteria?


The standards are based on 8 Quality Management Principles, which are aligned with the philosophy and objectives of most quality award programs. These principles are:


Customer focus, 顾客为中心
Leadership, 领导
Involvement of people, 员工参与
Process approach, 过程模式
System approach to management,系统管理
Continual improvement, 持续改进
Factual approach to decision making, and根据事实做决定 ,和
Mutually beneficial supplier relationships. 供需互利

ISO 9004 recommends that organizations perform self-assessments as part of their management of systems and processes, and includes an annex giving guidance on this approach. This is similar to many quality awards programmes.


24.    Why is the requirement for monitoring "customer satisfaction" included in ISO 9001?


"Customer satisfaction" is recognized as one of the driving criteria for any organization. In order to evaluate if a product meets customer needs and expectations, it is necessary to monitor the extent of customer satisfaction. Improvements can be made by taking action to address any identified issues and concerns.


25.    Can the standards improve "customer satisfaction"?


The quality management system details that are described in the standards are based on Quality Management Principles that include the "process approach" and "customer focus". The adoption of these principles should provide customers with a higher level of confidence that products will meet their needs and increase their satisfaction.


26.    What is meant by "continual improvement"?


Continual improvement is the process focused on continually increasing the effectiveness and/or efficiency of the organization to fulfil its policies and objectives. Continual improvement (where "continual" highlights that an improvement process requires progressive consolidation steps) responds to the growing needs and expectations of the customers and ensures a dynamic evolution of the quality management system.


27.    What is a process?


Any activity or operation, which receives inputs and converts them to outputs, can be considered as a process.  Almost all activities and operations involved in generating a product or providing a service are processes.

For organizations to function, they have to define and manage numerous inter-linked processes. Often the output from one process will directly form the input into the next process.  The systematic identification and management of the various processes employed within an organization, and particularly the interactions between such processes, may be referred to as the ‘process approach’ to management.

For further information, refer to the paper Guidance on the Concept and Use of the Process Approach, available from

28.    What is the "process approach"?


The "process approach" is a way of obtaining a desired result, by managing activities and related resources as a process. The "process approach" is a key element of the ISO 9000 standards. For further guidance, please refer to the ISO 9000 Introduction and Support Package module: Guidance on the Concept and Use of the Process Approach for management systems.

29.    Can the "process approach" be applied to other management systems?


Yes. The "process approach" is a generic management principle, which can enhance an organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in achieving defined objectives.


30.    How can the PDCA cycle be used in the "process approach"?


The PDCA cycle is an established, logical, method that can be used to improve a process.

This requires:

(P) planning (what to do and how to do it),
(D) executing the plan (do what was planned),
(C) checking the results (did things happened according to plan) and
(A) act to improve the process (how to improve next time).
The PDCA cycle can be applied within an individual process, or across a group of processes.

31.    Can any organization apply the "process approach"?


Yes. Many organizations already apply a "process approach" without recognizing it. They could achieve additional benefits by understanding and controlling it.  


32.    Why should an organization apply the "process approach"?


By applying the "process approach" an organization should be able to obtain the following types of benefits:


The integration and alignment of its processes to enable the achievement of its planned results.
An ability to focus effort on process effectiveness and efficiency.
An increase in the confidence of customers and other interested parties as to the consistent performance of the organization.
Transparency of operations within the organization.
Lower costs and shorter cycle times through effective and efficient use of resources.
Improved, consistent and predictable results.
The identification of opportunities for focused and prioritized improvement initiatives.
The encouragement and involvement of people, and the clarification of their responsibilities.
The elimination of barriers between different functional units and the unification of their focus to the objectives of the organization.
Improved management of process interfaces.

33.    What is meant by the “sequence” of processes and their "interactions"?


The "sequence" of processes shows how the processes follow, or link, to each other to result in a final output.


For example, the output from one process may become the input of the next process or processes.


The "interactions" show how each process affects or influences one or more of the other processes. For example, the monitoring or controlling of a process may be established in a separate process.


34.    How can the processes in an organization be determined?


Identify the organization's intended outputs, and the processes needed for achieving them. These will need to include processes for Management, Resources, Realization and Measurement and Improvement.


Identify all process inputs and outputs, along with the suppliers and customers, who may be internal or external.
Identify the sequence and interactions of the processes.


 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-6 18:54:07 | 显示全部楼层
35.    Should an organization define and document all its processes?


The main purpose of documentation is to enable the consistent and stable operation of an organization's processes.


Although statutory, standards' or customer requirements may require certain documentation, there is no defined “catalogue”, or list of processes that has to be documented in ISO 9001, apart from the 6 indicated ones.

尽管法令、标准、或者顾客的各种要求有可能要有某些文件。但是,ISO 9001标准中,除了指定有六个必须文件化的以外,没有规定,哪“类”过程,或者哪些清单中的过程必须形成文件。

The organization should determine which processes are to be documented on the basis of:  


The size of the organization and type of its activities, 组织的规模以及他们作业的类型。
The complexity of its processes and their interactions,他们过程的复杂性以及这些过程的相互作用。
The criticality of the processes and 这些过程的重要性,以及
Availability of competent personnel.作具有胜任能力人员的可获得情况

A number of different methods can be used to document processes, such as graphical representations, written instructions, checklists, flow charts, visual media, or electronic methods.


36.    How much detail is required in process documentation?


The extent of detail is likely to depend upon factors such as:


the size of an organisation and its types of activities, 组织的规模以及他们作业的类型。
the complexity of its processes and their interactions, and 他们过程的复杂性以及这些过程的相互作用。
the competence (level of education, training, skills and experience) of its personnel.他们的员工在(教育文化程度、培训、各种技能和经验)决定的胜任能力。

37.     Is there a standard way of describing a process?


No, there is no standard way to describe a process. It depends on the culture, management style, staff literacy, personal attributes and their interactions.


A process may be described using a flow chart, block diagram, responsibility matrix, written procedures or pictures.


Process flowcharts or block diagrams can show how policies, objectives, influential factors, job functions, activities, material, equipment, resources, information, people and decision making interact and/or interrelate in a logical order.


38.    What should an organization do to adopt the "process approach"?


To adopt the "process approach" an organization should apply the following steps:


Identify the processes of the organization, 确定组织的各个过程。
Plan the processes, 对这些过程加以策划。
Implement and measure the processes,执行和测量这些过程。
Analyse the processes, 分析这些过程。
Improve the processes.改进这些过程。

39.    What is a "process owner"?


A person who is given the responsibility and authority for managing a particular process is sometimes referred to as the "process owner".

It may be useful for an organization's Management to appoint individual "process owners" and to define their roles and responsibilities; these should include the responsibility for ensuring the implementation, maintenance and improvement of their specific process and its interactions.

It should be noted, however, that ISO 9001:2008 does not specifically require the appointment of "process owners".

40.    How can a process be measured?


There are various methods of measuring process controls and process performance, ranging from simple monitoring systems up to sophisticated statistically based systems (e.g. statistical process control, or SPC, systems). The selection and use of any particular method will be dependent on the nature and complexity of an organization's processes and products. The effectiveness of an individual process may be measured by the conformity of its output or product to customer requirements. Its efficiency may be measured from its use of resources. In all cases the measurement of the process determines if its (measurable) objectives have been achieved. Sometimes it only requires monitoring to confirm process operations.


Typical factors that are useful to consider when identifying measures of process control and process performance include:  

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-6 18:58:21 | 显示全部楼层
40.    How can a process be measured?


There are various methods of measuring process controls and process performance, ranging from simple monitoring systems up to sophisticated statistically based systems (e.g. statistical process control, or SPC, systems). The selection and use of any particular method will be dependent on the nature and complexity of an organization's processes and products. The effectiveness of an individual process may be measured by the conformity of its output or product to customer requirements. Its efficiency may be measured from its use of resources. In all cases the measurement of the process determines if its (measurable) objectives have been achieved. Sometimes it only requires monitoring to confirm process operations.


Typical factors that are useful to consider when identifying measures of process control and process performance include:  


Conformity with requirements, 对要求的符合性。
Customer satisfaction, 顾客满意。
Supplier performance, 供方的业绩
On time delivery, 及时交付
Lead times, 预定时间
Failure rates, 失效率
Waste, 废品率
Process costs.过程各种成本
Incident frequency 事故发生频率

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