
楼主 |
发表于 2013-5-12 08:47:52
6)Not taking care of health and hygiene。
Leslie G. Griffen, an HR consultant and career coach, is sometimes hired by companies to approach an employee who doesn't bathe and ask them to improve their hygiene. The problem is twofold, said Griffen, principal of The Griffen Group. A sloppy appearance will cause a poor first impression. Also, "if your hygiene is bad, your health is probably bad," Griffen said. An added benefit of eating well and exercising: You'll have more energy。
Leslie G. Griffen,是一位人力资源顾问,也是职业教练,他还是Griffen公司的负责人。如果有的公司出现不洗澡的员工时,Griffen就会被雇佣来说服他们注意卫生问题。Griffen说:“这些问题是双重的。邋遢的外表会给人不好的第一印象。如果你的卫生没搞好,你也可能不健康。吃好、运动好的一个额外好处是:你将会有更多的能量。