楼主 |
发表于 2013-5-14 12:06:58
★通过网站上的招聘职位说明书和所应聘企业的网站搜集关键词。可以直接引用招聘公告中的关键词到自己的简历中,这是最有效的方法,这样做可以将自己的简历写到雇主心里面去,因为招聘公告直接表达了他们想寻找什么样的人来填补该职位的空缺。此外,如果在该公司网站上醒目地写着该企业的文化是“cooperation makes success”,那么“teamwork”一定是对方最为看重的品质。
ABC Company seeks an experienced human resources manager to work in our busy downtown office. Duties include ensuring regulatory compliance with FMLA, ERISA and HIPPA laws, maintaining personnel records, coordinating new staff orientation meetings, organizing recruitment campaigns and maintaining the employee handbook.
The qualified candidate will have a minimum of four years of human resource experience in a fast-paced environment with strong knowledge of benefits administration including medical, dental, and life. Proficiency in MS Office programs is required. Bachelor’s degree or above preferred
当然,除了在招聘公告中出现的词语,还可以使用这些词的同义、近义词,比如可以用“HR Manager”代替原文中的“human resources manager”。另外,MS Office可以被具体化为你熟练使用的应用程序,如Outlook,Word或Excel。你还可以搜集同行业中其他公司的招聘公告,主要看“requirements”,“skills”和“qualifications”部分,从中总结出现频率较高的、HR人员最常使用的行话。