楼主 |
发表于 2013-5-25 08:15:35
印度受益于其惊人的GDP增长速度,并且在过去二十年里, 印度IT行业蓬勃发展,已经达到1,000亿美元的规模,然而,该国对于培养工程人才的重视,却使得具备领导与管理能力的印度人才匮乏,美国加州费利蒙市外包软件开发商iGATE的人力资源副总裁斯瑞尼•坎杜拉说,这家公司在班加罗尔有28,000名员工。
While India has benefited from impressive GDP growth and watched its IT sector blossom into a $100 billion industry in the past two decades, its focus on developing engineering talent has left the country dry of Indians with leadership and management skills, says Srini Kandula, vice president of human resources for iGATE, a Freemont, Calif.-based outsourced software developer with 28,000 employees and operations in Bangalore.
"Everyone prefers leaders who are exposed to global business practices, and supply is limited," says Kandula, so companies across a broad array of industries compete for the same people.