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发表于 2013-5-29 12:08:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Benjamin - An American's "Chinese Dream"


A Chinese Dream


ES: What motivated you to come to China?

Benjamin: Ever since I was little I've had Chinese culture around me. I grew up with my grandparents (on my mom's side) not far away from me. It was crazy because my grandfather could speak a little bit English but he would never speak it to me, and I couldn't understand Cantonese(粤语). So, I grew up being close with my grandparents but always needed my mom to translate in order to communicate. I remember every birthday gift I got from my grandpa was something Chinese. It wasn't till after I grew up that I wanted to learn the language and about the culture.

Tip: 外表是西方人的李喜宝其实有一半的中国血统--他的母亲来自香港。李喜宝从小就跟外公一起生活,虽然听不懂外公说的粤语,但他的心中早已埋下了渴望深入了解中国文化的种子。

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-29 12:12:39 | 显示全部楼层
Fascination for Chinese Culture


ES: What did you like most about China's culture?

Benjamin: I like the traditions - the ways that are instilled in the people. I like the way people like to keep fit naturally or health maintenance. Nowadays, I won't just stand still while on the subway. I'll use my time wisely by massaging my pressure points (穴位). I like to drink tea and don't drink cold drinks as much as before. I love congee (粥). I like to know that eating bitter melon (苦瓜)is good because it gets rid of the internal heat in my body. In China almost everyone knows about what foods could reduce and suffer from the internal heat(去火和上火). It's the holistic(身心融为一体的)lifestyle that I like. One day I look forward to being able to practice taichi(太极)every day. I believe much more in fate now than ever before. There's more I'd like to mention but can't fit it all in a few words.

Tip: 关于中国文化,李喜宝最推崇的莫过于中国人"养生"的理念。已在中国生活多年的李喜宝早已习惯了这里的生活方式。说起"养生",他也算半个"专家",对各种食物的特性与功效了如指掌。同时,他也表达了希望将来有机会可以学习太极的愿望。

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-29 12:14:54 | 显示全部楼层
Experiencing the Moderation in Things


ES: What impressed you the most about cultural differences between your country and China?

Benjamin: Generally speaking, I think people in China can be more understanding. They're very good at keeping their coolness, putting themselves in other people's shoes and also looking past little differences to see the big picture that really matters. I think this goes with the moderate way of thinking - moderation in all things, finding middle ground(中庸). I've spent these past seven years in China and being a little older now probably makes a difference, but I think this "we" before "me" kind of thinking has rubbed off on me. But I'm still working on how to keep my coolness at times.

Tip: 说到中美文化差异,李喜宝有自己独到的见解:"相较于美国人外放的性格特点,中国人普遍比较内敛。中国人会设身处地为他人着想,也会以小见大地看待问题。也许,这种'中庸之道'正是中美文化最明显的差异"。

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-29 12:19:11 | 显示全部楼层
Language - The Bridge Between Cultures


ES: What role does the language play in bridging Eastern and Western cultures?

Benjamin: I think language is the most important factor in bridging the gap between cultures. Without a common language to communicate we can only learn not so much from each other, like between my grandparents and I. After you have a common language the next most important requirement is an open mind. I think nothing is absolute. I mean, there isn't just one way to handle a situation or solve a problem. Everyone looks at the world from different angles and there is so much out there in the world we haven't seen, so that's why we should be open-minded.

Tip: 从小和外公一起生活,但两人语言不通(外公说粤语,他说英语)只能靠妈妈充当翻译的经历让李喜宝意识到了语言之于文化交流的作用和意义。但掌握可供交流的语言还不够,要时刻保持开放式思维。因为勇于接受外界的观点和新鲜事物对于文化交流也同样重要。

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-29 12:26:42 | 显示全部楼层

ES: Your exceptional life experience is impressive and amazing, as far as I know, you are a teacher in North China University of Technology, and you were a volunteer for Beijing Olympics. I wonder what's your new plan in China?

Benjamin: I would love to take the stories from my motorcycle adventures (19 days around Taiwan, 5 days from Beijing
to Xi'an), my experiences as a volunteer in the Beijing Olympics, MC'ing (主持) weddings, selling hot chocolate at a temple fair (庙会) and how I met my wife on top of the Great Wall and proposed to her there and put all of them into a book. I love photography and for a few years always kept a blog. I think it would be awesome to share the happiness I've found here in China with everyone. I got quite a few other goals I'd like to share, but I'll save them for when the book comes out.

Tip: 光看李喜宝的外表,你很难想象得到他的人生经历竟然如此丰富:辞去高薪的工作只身来到中国;骑自行车环游台湾;头戴斗笠,用竹竿挑着包袱从香港走到北京;做过北京奥运会的志愿者;在北京各大音乐节、庙会摆摊儿卖热狗和美式热巧克力......目前在北方工业大学当老师、已步入婚姻殿堂的李喜宝当然没有就此停下脚步,当被问到他在中国的新计划时,他给大家卖了个关子:"欲知后事如何,且听下回分解。"--答案自然在他计划出版的书中。

采访后记:当提到中国文化时,李喜宝总是很激动。正是中国传统博大精深的文化把他带到了北京。正是因为热爱中国,他立志当一名中美文化传播的使者。不光要把美国文化带到中国,也要把中国的各种文化精髓传到美国。这位来自美国的追梦者,用他在中国的亲身经历和信念在诠释着中国的魅力,表达着对中国的无限热爱。(文/Stella Wang)
发表于 2013-5-29 13:32:21 | 显示全部楼层
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