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发表于 2013-5-29 12:26:42
ES: Your exceptional life experience is impressive and amazing, as far as I know, you are a teacher in North China University of Technology, and you were a volunteer for Beijing Olympics. I wonder what's your new plan in China?
Benjamin: I would love to take the stories from my motorcycle adventures (19 days around Taiwan, 5 days from Beijing
to Xi'an), my experiences as a volunteer in the Beijing Olympics, MC'ing (主持) weddings, selling hot chocolate at a temple fair (庙会) and how I met my wife on top of the Great Wall and proposed to her there and put all of them into a book. I love photography and for a few years always kept a blog. I think it would be awesome to share the happiness I've found here in China with everyone. I got quite a few other goals I'd like to share, but I'll save them for when the book comes out.
Tip: 光看李喜宝的外表,你很难想象得到他的人生经历竟然如此丰富:辞去高薪的工作只身来到中国;骑自行车环游台湾;头戴斗笠,用竹竿挑着包袱从香港走到北京;做过北京奥运会的志愿者;在北京各大音乐节、庙会摆摊儿卖热狗和美式热巧克力......目前在北方工业大学当老师、已步入婚姻殿堂的李喜宝当然没有就此停下脚步,当被问到他在中国的新计划时,他给大家卖了个关子:"欲知后事如何,且听下回分解。"--答案自然在他计划出版的书中。
采访后记:当提到中国文化时,李喜宝总是很激动。正是中国传统博大精深的文化把他带到了北京。正是因为热爱中国,他立志当一名中美文化传播的使者。不光要把美国文化带到中国,也要把中国的各种文化精髓传到美国。这位来自美国的追梦者,用他在中国的亲身经历和信念在诠释着中国的魅力,表达着对中国的无限热爱。(文/Stella Wang)