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发表于 2013-5-29 18:36:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Dear Annie: I read your column on how to ask for a raise, but I wonder, what can you do if you get a job offer from a company where you really want to work, but the salary they have in mind is less than you think it should be? I'm an experienced manager in a highly specialized area of marketing, and when I researched what comparable positions pay at various companies in the same city, I discovered that the offer my (potentially) new employer has made is at the rock-bottom of the range.

    The job is a terrific opportunity, but I believe I'm worth more than what they're offering, which is barely more than what I'm already making. How do I say this without seeming greedy, and without blowing my chances? — Hesitating to Haggle

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-29 18:40:28 | 显示全部楼层


Dear H.H.: I'm assuming you researched what those other jobs pay by looking at sites like Salary.com, PayScale.com, and JobNob.com, right? There's nothing wrong with that -- except that "the websites don't tell you what benefits come with the position," notes Christine Mackey-Ross. As managing partner of the St. Louis office of executive recruiters Witt/Kieffer, she's a veteran of hundreds of starting pay discussions. "It's not just about salary. For executives and seasoned managers, benefits usually make up 30% to 40% of total compensation.

    "The benefits piece of the package can be complicated," she adds, "if you look at various kinds of insurance, including life and disability, plus bonuses and stock options, all the way down to things like car allowances and health club memberships. Very few candidates really take into account the value of all those things." With that in mind, she suggests taking a second look at the whole offer, rather than just salary. It might be worth more than you think.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-29 18:43:54 | 显示全部楼层


But let's suppose you've already done that, and the pay they're offering still looks too low. "You certainly can ask why," says Mackey-Ross. "Just be careful. Going in with the data you've collected and saying, 'According to this, my market value is X' sets the wrong tone. It's too adversarial, especially if you're negotiating with someone you'll be reporting to in the new job."

    Instead, she suggests, "Say something like, 'From the market research I've done, the figure I was expecting was closer to X. Would you mind walking me through how you arrived at Y?' You want this to be a real negotiation, not a confrontation." Four other tips for boosting the odds that you'll get the pay you want:

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-29 18:46:47 | 显示全部楼层
1. 明确自己的优先目标。麦基-罗斯要求求职者们做一个列表,包括3个部分:要接受邀请必须获得的条件;哪些是可选的条件;以及哪些是他们最不关注的,并且为了得到其他东西而愿意放弃的条件。她发现:“列表中的项目,以及各个项目所属的类别,均因人而异。但在谈判之前,你必须得知道自己到底想要什么,需要什么,以及在什么情况下你会放弃。”
1. Know your priorities. Mackey-Ross asks candidates to make a three-column list: What they feel they must have in order to take the offer; what is optional; and what they care least about and would be willing to give up in order to get something else. "The items on this list, and which category they fall into, can vary quite a lot from one person to another," she notes. "But you need to go into the negotiation knowing exactly what you really want, or need, and at what point you're willing to walk away."
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-29 18:49:10 | 显示全部楼层
2. 考虑推迟加薪要求。如果公司打算提供的薪酬已经板上钉钉,那么你可以问他们,如果在未来六个月或一年内,你有机会在新工作中证明自己,他们能不能提供加薪或绩效奖金。这种策略通常都会有效,因为这同时也证明了你对这份工作是多么的渴望。麦基-罗斯建议:“说出自己对这个机会的重视,看起来可能会减少你谈判的砝码,而不是增加。但实际上并非如此,因为雇主都希望拥有积极上进的员工。”
2. Consider requesting a later increase. If the salary figure the company has in mind is set in stone, ask whether they'd be willing to commit to a raise or a performance bonus in six months or a year, when you've had a chance to prove yourself in the new job. This is most likely to work if you also stress how much you want the job. "Saying how excited you are about this opportunity might seem to give you less leverage, not more," Mackey-Ross notes. "But it doesn't, because employers really want motivated employees."
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-29 18:51:46 | 显示全部楼层
3. 提前彩排。麦基-罗斯说:“许多人只有很少、甚至完全没有任何谈判经验,所以谈判会让他们深深地陷入紧张状态。”如果你也是这样(你问题后面的署名说明你确实有些紧张),搜集所有事实和优先目标,找一位朋友进行练习:“让他们回答你的问题,比如‘抱歉,对于你这个级别的员工,我们只能给这么多。你要么接受,要么放弃吧。’然后练习你自己在真实的谈判中会怎么应对。提前准备越充分,在真正谈判的时候你就会越冷静。”
3. Rehearse beforehand. "Lots of people have little or no negotiating experience, so the whole idea makes them nervous," Mackey-Ross says. If that applies to you (and the way you signed your question suggests it does), get all your facts and priorities together and find a friend to practice with: "Have them shoot responses at you, like, 'Sorry, this is what we pay people at your level, take it or leave it,' and practice what you would say in the real discussion. The more you prepare ahead of time, the calmer you'll be when you get there."
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-29 18:54:29 | 显示全部楼层
4. 从长计议。麦基-罗斯建议:“思考一下这份工作会给你的整个职业生涯带来什么影响。一份工作通常都包括许多无形资产,比如:把这家公司和这个职位添加到你的简历中,能否提高你简历的档次?它能否让你有资格获得一个更高的职位?这些无形资产或许值得你接受短期内低于预期的工资,也就是付出一些‘机会成本’。”




  4. Take the long view. "Think about how this job will affect your whole career," Mackey-Ross advises. "There are often intangibles -- like how great this company and this position will look on your resume, and how it could qualify you for a bigger job later -- that might be worth an 'opportunity cost' of a lower salary than you'd like in the short term."

    Starting pay is just that, she adds: "Once you've proven what you can do for the company, your salary will almost certainly go up. You'll get other opportunities to negotiate for more money as time goes on. This isn't your last chance."

    Good luck!

    Talkback: Have you negotiated higher pay than the initial offer when starting a new job? What worked for you? Leave a comment below.

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