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发表于 2013-6-5 17:12:04
当然,奥巴马总统之所以改变演说的语气,是因为目前美国的政治局势处于一种复杂的均势之中。选举季即将来临,但奥巴马总统却一直受到国会掣肘。他的一举一动都经过精心设计,此次突然变调也不例外。美国共和党众议院全国委员会(National Republican Congressional Committee)前任主席汤姆•戴维斯认为,这次演讲只不过是奥巴马总统的一步棋而已,并且也在外界的意料之中。戴维斯表示,奥巴马会兼顾庄重的、身为总统的自我与对各种问题愤怒不已的政治家这两种身份。“作为旁观者,批评他很容易,但实际上,他也只是在‘照本宣科’。”
Of course, the president's tone has changed in the context of a complicated political balance. We're coming up on election time, and he has been repeatedly stymied by congress. Every move the president makes is extremely calculated, and a tone change is no different. This recent speech was a chess move, says Tom Davis, former chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, and a pretty predictable one. Obama will oscillate between his stately, presidential self and a politician angered by the issues, Davis says. "It's easy to criticize him, sitting on the sidelines, but this is straight from a playbook."
Now that people are listening, getting angry may look like a good move, but it will only pay off in the long run if he can execute.