楼主 |
发表于 2013-6-7 11:05:32
'I'm willing to try anything, ' said Hannibal Camel Holt, an unemployed political scientist, as he took his place in the window one afternoon. Armed with a laptop computer and wearing a dark blue button-down shirt, Mr. Holt has been 'kicking doors in and chasing leads, ' as he puts it, on and off for four years, striking out despite qualifications that include speaking six languages. For him, sitting-in represented a necessary, albeit awkward step.
失业的政治学家霍尔特(Hannibal Camel Holt)在某一天的下午坐进了橱窗里,他说:“我什么都愿意试试。”霍尔特拿着一台笔记本电脑,身穿深蓝色的扣角领衬衫。用他自己的话说,四年来他一直在断断续续地“上门求访和寻找门路”,尽管他拥有包括掌握六种语言在内的诸多资质,但求职之路一直不顺。对他来说,坐在橱窗里虽然尴尬,却是必要的一步。