
楼主 |
发表于 2013-7-24 18:39:17
波士顿职业发展公司凯斯通联合公司(Keystone Associates)高级副总裁兼高管导师杰恩•马特森称,这种情况非常可惜,因为只要一点真诚的沟通,就能解决你的一些烦恼。她说:“对于上司所犯的错误,许多人从来不会进行坦诚的交流。他们不会努力改善与上司的关系,而是选择离开——而通常情况下,他们在下一份工作当中也会重复同样的错误。”
Dear Counting: You probably won't be surprised to hear that about 75% of people who quit their jobs do so because they can't stand their bosses, according to a recent Gallup poll of more than a million U.S. employees.
That's unfortunate, says Jayne Mattson, a senior vice president and executive coach at Boston-based career development firm Keystone Associates, because a little honest communication might go a long way toward fixing at least some of what bugs you. "So many people don't ever have a candid conversation with their boss about what's wrong," she notes. "Instead of trying to make the relationship better, they just leave -- and, too often, repeat the same mistake in their next job."
In short, maybe you need to learn to manage your boss. "There are lots of things you can do to make yourself happier," says Mattson. "If you manage your boss well, he or she won't even realize you're doing it. You'll just get points for being really helpful." The key, she explains, is to get what you want by emphasizing how it would benefit him.