
楼主 |
发表于 2013-8-4 17:36:23
查林格、格雷及克里斯马斯公司(Challenger, Gray & Christmas)是一家管理者新职介绍服务公司。该公司首席执行官约翰•查林格称,还应该努力跟团队中的关键人物建立良好关系,不仅包括处于公司组织结构上层的员工,还包括团队中的非正式领袖。“弄清楚谁向谁汇报很重要,但组织的非正式结构同样也很重要。要找出这个团队里能左右舆论导向的非正式领袖,并把他们争取到自己这边。”查林格表示,建立关系有助于发掘团队真正的优势所在,同时避免前任管理者犯下的错误。
You should also try to establish relationships with the team's critical leaders, says John Challenger, CEO of Challenger, Gray & Christmas, an executive outplacement services firm, referring not just to the staffers at the top of the org chart, but the covert leaders too. "It's important to learn not just who reports to whom, but the underlying structure of the organization as well. Look for the ringleaders, those who drive the conversation, and win them over." These relationships, says Challenger, will help you find out what your team does really well and help you avoid what plagued the team under the previous manager.