Do Quality Control plans cover: a) Incoming material; b) Initial start-up checks; c) In process checks; d) Final inspection; e) Packaging质量控制计划是否包括: a) 原材料; b) 首件检查; c) 过程监控; d) 终检; e) 包装
Do process control plans include: a) Critical to quality characteristics (CTQ); b) Who is responsible to monitor; c) Frequency and sample size; d) What type of monitoring (SPC); e) Type of gages used; f) Acceptance Criteria, g.) actions for non-conformances; h) Date and latest revision; i) Data recorded过程控制计划是否包括: a) 关键质量特性(CTQ); b) 负责监控人; c) 频率和样品数; d) 监控类型(SPC); e) 所使用的测量设备; f) 接收标准, g.) 不合格处置; h) 日期和最新版本; i) 记录的数据