
楼主 |
发表于 2013-10-3 11:52:36
Suicide within the C-suite almost seems counterintuitive. "As a class of people, top executives tend to have better mental health than those on the lower rungs of an organization," says Caine. "They have more resources and less financial issues, more people to help them with the adversities in their lives, and their idiosyncrasies are often tied to their success, giving them an outlet for their creative needs."
不过,法国枫丹白露的欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)商学院管理学教授曼弗雷德•凯茨•德•弗里斯表示:高管的压力正在逐渐增加,这已经不再是秘密。信息时代不断增长的需求已经让每天的工作时间延长到了极限。瑞士电信公司的施洛特在自杀前几个月曾经抱怨自己总得处于能联系上的状态。他在五月的某期《瑞士周报》(Schweiz am Sonnta)的采访中解释说:“可能发生的最危险的事,是你陷入了永动机的模式当中。当你一直要查看智能手机,查看有没有新邮件时,你就再也不可能发现其他任何事情了。”
But it is no secret that pressure on C-level executives is mounting, says Manfred Kets de Vries, a management professor at INSEAD business school in Fontainebleau, France. The growing demands of the information age have stretched the workday to its limits. A few months before his death, Swisscom's Schloter complained about constantly having to be reachable. "The most dangerous thing that can happen is that you drop into a mode of permanent activity," he explained in an interview with Swiss newspaper Schweiz am Sonntag in May. "When you permanently check your smartphone to see if there are any new emails, it leads to you not finding any rest whatsoever."
"You have to manage these devices very carefully, and many of us don't do it very well," says Kets de Vries, who also holds a degree in psychoanalysis. "I work a lot with CEOs, and in my classes, computers, iPhones, and iPads are not allowed. I have noticed a dependency on these devices, to the point where it becomes a disease. I had a student last year I suspected of having a weak bladder. In fact, he had to go out regularly to check his messages on his three phones."