
楼主 |
发表于 2014-1-9 20:06:14
4. “I’m not good enough.”
If you tell yourself you’re not good enough, pretty enough, old enough, smart enough, or (insert adjective of your choosing here) enough, your lack of confidence will reflect in your words, stature, and mannerisms. Why should someone believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself? Surround yourself with positive people who will motivate you. Read books, articles, and studies about what you’re passionate about until you can truthfully say you are an expert in your field. Stop looking for the reasons you can’t do something and find the reasons you can. People often say, “You’re only as strong as your weakest link,” but this statement is blatantly false. You are as strong as your strongest link.
如果你总认为自己不够优秀、不够漂亮、不够资历、不够聪明或诸如此类,那么,这种自卑思想会从你的言行举止中透露出来。既然你连自己都不相信,那别人为何要相信你呢?多跟积极的人交往吧。多去阅读、多加思考,找出自己的优势,然后自信说出自己对某方面很擅长。别再找借口说自己不能怎样,多找理由暗示自己能够干什么。人们总说“人是不堪一击的”,但这完全荒谬至极。你绝对可以坚强如铁。 |