
楼主 |
发表于 2014-1-9 20:07:48
10. “No one cares.”
Yes, they do. Even if you’re not on the best terms with your family, I can’t imagine that they don’t care about you. And even if you’ve lost touch with a lot of your friends, I bet they would be happy to hear your voice in a surprise phone-call. You have impacted more lives than you could begin to comprehend. Send an e-mail or write a letter to an old friend that you haven’t talked to in months or years. Call an aunt, uncle or cousin who made a positive impact on your development as a child. Join an online support community, message board or networking group of like-minded people who could become new friends. You are not alone– you are far from it. If you just moved to a new home, you might want to check out this article about how to make a bunch of friends in any new city.
不,有人在乎。哪怕你现在跟家人关系不甚融洽,我也不相信他们真的不在乎你。如果你已很久没有联系朋友,打个电话过去的话,我打赌他们会非常高兴能再次听到你的声音。你在他人心中的地位远远没你想得那么微不足道。给数月或几年未曾联络的老朋友发封邮件或写封书信吧。给孩提时曾积极引导自己的伯父伯母或表兄打个电话吧。加入网络互助联盟或信息群,结交一些志趣相投的新朋友吧。你并不是一个人——绝对不是!如果你刚搬到新家,那就参考这篇文章,学习如何在新城市认识新朋友吧 |